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Ati stil owe me a video card !

category: general [glöplog]
Reading the topic named : What was the coolest price tyou won at a party , I was glad to notice that ati still have to send us the prices they promised for wired 98. I think a nice 9800 XT wil be fine :)
added on the 2004-08-08 20:37:05 by nytrik nytrik
i'm guessing that it's actually the wired '98 organizers, not ati, who owe you that card. :)
added on the 2004-08-09 00:18:17 by gloom gloom
I guess ATI can afford to give Nytrik a card they produced in 1998.
added on the 2004-08-09 00:31:19 by Zplex Zplex
seriously, an ati rage is the worst. its worth nearly a dime.
I could send you a Rage II for the modest processing and shipping fee of 15€!
added on the 2004-08-09 10:47:55 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Hey, anyone want a free pci tnt card? Even better than an ati rage =) I also have like half a dozen ethernet cards that I'd be willing to give =P
(Of course, there are shipping costs though... )
added on the 2004-08-09 10:58:39 by Nezbie Nezbie
gloom, no it's not the Wired organizers, they were also swindled by ATI. The cards should have been sent afterwards by ATI, not the Wired (yep, this is quite strange and not common for a party, hw prizes are usually available at party place)
added on the 2004-08-09 11:02:41 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
dake: ah, in that case - screw ati! :)

..which is something i'm planning to do anyways, when i purchase my brand spanking new nvidia 6800 some time next month. :)
added on the 2004-08-09 12:00:14 by gloom gloom
Nytrik: Wait some more time until ATI releases their DirectX 12 compatible high end video cards, they are much more worth then a soon outdated 9800 XT. ;)
gloom, gloom, gloom...
added on the 2004-08-09 23:57:52 by Shifter Shifter
yes, yes, yes... i know you're the elected scene spokesman for ati, but i happen to know i'm getting a great deal, and nvidia is leet. :)
added on the 2004-08-10 08:34:11 by gloom gloom
all this reminds me.... where is our prize from SOTA?;-)
added on the 2004-08-10 10:37:09 by uncle-x uncle-x
I also would like to receive my prize! GIVE ME MY PRIZES!
added on the 2008-05-23 12:11:48 by sagacity sagacity
Yeah, my ATI card from Wired '98 also still hasn't arrived, and I'm still missing the GUS from Music Contest 6!!!
added on the 2008-05-23 12:13:45 by kb_ kb_
kb: hah, i remember your mc6 entry actually, classic.. :)
i got the vipermax from mc6 though. :) (never installed it)
added on the 2008-05-23 12:20:15 by smash smash
The Lamers Ballad? Wasn't that hornet?
Just contact ATI. Perhaps they wait so that they can give you a HD4870 for beta tests.
added on the 2008-05-23 12:24:12 by seρρjο seρρjο
I've won this ATI board too at the time.
After all I was glad to not have it in my system, knowing how sucky it was.
added on the 2008-05-23 12:25:11 by willbe willbe
i still have several ATi Rage cards here, if you need one...
I could take a picture of a 9800XT and mail it to you. That would actually be more valuable than the effort of sending you the actual card, for you to install it and cry havoc at all the games it can't run. ;)
It reminds me... oh wait no, wait... nevermind.
the internet doesnt forget abour promised hardware!!
added on the 2008-05-23 17:39:06 by psenough psenough
let's make a dozen of ATI OUTSIDE tshirts!!!
added on the 2008-05-23 17:41:21 by el mal el mal
When I think of ATI,... I think of.. NATASHA!!!!!!!
added on the 2008-05-23 18:25:08 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2008-05-23 18:25:22 by Optimus Optimus
maybe y'all shall inform AMD about that missing cards... wait, no, they already KNOW the deal was teh worstestest....
added on the 2008-05-24 00:00:19 by Danzig Danzig


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