worldwide 24/7 webcams
category: residue [glöplog]
@all: Big thx! interesting cams!
Salinga: Good job! thx! :)
Festung Ehrenbreitstein / Koblenz / Germany <3

Salinga: Good job! thx! :)
Festung Ehrenbreitstein / Koblenz / Germany <3

mora / sweden

HAARP / Alaska

Berlin, view to the "Fernsehturm" (TV-Tower)


Webcams the world doesn't need: Plattenbauwatch.
´Die Platte´ seems to have some fans on the internet. =D
Airport Tower / Vienna
i read they project a pictures onto it when it gets night. hopefully not only the commercial that i saw on pics..

Airport Tower / Vienna
i read they project a pictures onto it when it gets night. hopefully not only the commercial that i saw on pics..

The ultimate "Plattenbau-Webcam" from the famous district of Berlin in Marzahn-Hellersdorf :-)

Châtel / France (north of french Alps, borderline to italia)

Berlin Müggelsee

market place and town-hall in
Goslar / Germany

Goslar / Germany

Place du Capitole, Toulouse / France

Construction site of Federation Tower in Moskow.
Paris - Tour Montparnasse

<3 Nürburgring <3

working version of the cam @ Deutsches Eck

above cam is harlesiel, wittmund / north germany
cochem / germany <3
cochem / germany <3
heh.. the preview button.. xD

mont pelée / martinique
This thread is so dark :| I'll come back in the morning!

Texas state capitol building in Austin