Music-related question
category: general [glöplog]
Is there any program that analyzes recorded singing and converts it to musical notes? I sometimes have melodies in my head, but I find it difficult to write them down as notes or play them on the piano. But singing would be possible. So such a tool would come handy.
But Singstar only checks whether you're singing a particular song. I want to record new songs.
I use a voice recording device whenever a melody pops into my head.
Bought a cheap MP3 player with voice recording ability - excellent tool. You'll never forget a new melody again.
I DO realize that this is not exactly what you were asking for, but it's proven a good solution for my needs. You should try it.
Bought a cheap MP3 player with voice recording ability - excellent tool. You'll never forget a new melody again.
I DO realize that this is not exactly what you were asking for, but it's proven a good solution for my needs. You should try it.
I use a small program called "AmazingMIDI". It's primitive but does the trick. It can convert mp3s/wavs to MIDI files, and there you can see the notes. Just make sure your vocals are loud enough, and are not dissonant.
also maybe Band-in-a-Box.
Thank you!
there is a program called "whistler" that converts whistling into notes