Demos on magazine cover dvd
category: general [glöplog]
Thanks keops.
masterm - nie screeny ziom, tylko same demka laduja na kompakciku. Raczej nie bede mogl zamieszczac szotow z demek na dvd :/ Ale nie narzekajmy, dobra jest!
luzik, bierz co chcesz jak z tej piosenki disco ;) bajer inicjatywa że CDA znowu wskrzesza do życia kącik scenowy ;)
Gajin: He he. Zrozumiałem Twoje "cover" dosłownie i myślałem że chodzi o okładki czy coś. ;) Na demka też masz oczywiście pozwolenie. Pozdro! :]
For limited space, perhaps go with a bunch of good 64k and 4k intros?
Dziekowka dla Allien Senses. Wiedzialem ze moga na Was liczyc :,)
That's a good idea, Preacher. Maybe for first part I'll throw some intros from BP'08.
That's a good idea, Preacher. Maybe for first part I'll throw some intros from BP'08.
You said the last 5 years originaly, BP08 intros are a tiny selection, although still awesome, i think you can get a better more thorough list of intros from previous years aswell including BP08 if you wanted..
Promocja demosceny to godne pochwały przedsięwzięcie, zwłaszcza w czasach, kiedy byle szajs ma stokroć większe wzięcie niż prawdziwe arcydzieła komputerowej sztuki. Jakby potrzeba było czegoś chorego rozmiarowo, intra ind są do dyspozycji.
GaJiN, I appreciate the intent behind this and I totally agree :) And I also appreciate that despite what I said about net access and bugfix versions, burning prods to a cover DVD increases the chance that someone will casually click and run a demo that they might not have been bothered to download.
Good luck with the project!
Good luck with the project!
Jezus Maria, to chyba wszystkie intra ind rzuce od razu ;) Miejsca starczy az nadto.
Keito - yes, but still I'll have to choose those best rated. And here we have a problem, the same which had Smuggler at his times - show somethin older (but good) or new and fresh (but not that good)?
one question: is this a "mainstream" PC mag for occasional users or is it a really hardcore in-depth magazine for hardcore users? I think depending on that answer, you have to pick different productions. A "mainstream" audience might appreciate different productions than hardcore PC-minds?
The magazine is running for 11 years and it's mostly for advanced gamers - not only those looking for eyecandies, but also for bit of electronic art.
For first part probably I'll throw some eyecandy demos or intros, to make people feel the kick. Later something technological. And maybe a diskmag or msxdisk. I'm not pretty sure right now (the deadline to make things is 20th May) and I'm still loking for good stuff to show. And waiting for other agreements from groups ;]
For first part probably I'll throw some eyecandy demos or intros, to make people feel the kick. Later something technological. And maybe a diskmag or msxdisk. I'm not pretty sure right now (the deadline to make things is 20th May) and I'm still loking for good stuff to show. And waiting for other agreements from groups ;]
Heh. In any case it's a great opportunity to spread the word about the demoscene. Good stuff mate.
gajin, go for better, not newer. added advantage is that people with older computers can also run some. maybe categorise by hardware req's.
Go also for a concept demo or two, not just eyecandy.
GaJiN: Nice work. Feel free to contact me at my handle if you need help contacting groups and such.
feel free to use any excess-demos as long as the distribution is not modified (i.e don't remove readmes etc).
skrebbel, preacher - yeah, I know that. Don't forget that I don't have 4gigas for demoscene but just circa 50megs monthly. It's quite hard to show something really cool, if demos\zins have about 30megs :/ Like new Hugi. And also - I need group agreement for publication, or Smuggler will tear my head off if anyone will question the legality of it. Sorry, until I don't have it, my hands are tied.
gloom - I'll make a thread similar to this on I will be really obliged if someone who is deeply in scene will help me with contacting groups.
gloom - I'll make a thread similar to this on I will be really obliged if someone who is deeply in scene will help me with contacting groups.
GaJiN: threads aren't really usefull for such things, just use my email instead. :) Btw; 50 MB gets you only a couple of demos, so pick wisely.
wait... did 4k / 64k intros all of a sudden become USEFUL again?!
ahyes atrium. be sure to get them on board. they lurk here so we should just keep this thread active enough until one of the makers reacts.
gajin, it would be nice to set up some topic. i'm guessing you want to put stuff there every month... i would be far easier for you to gather permissions from certain groups (like voyager does).
Jak na razie dokladnie to robie, na pouet i W dodatku jeszcze wyciagam od glooma emaile do roznych grup... BTW moglbys popytac ludzi z Agony czy tez wyrazaja zgode? ;]
wyrażamy :> najlepiej gdyby była to kompletna kolekcja z csdb.