"Good demoreviews for a non-coder"
category: general [glöplog]
"ah ah ah ah... et c'était censé nous impressionner ?
ppffrr ahahahah...
Je connais des demomakers qui font 10 fois mieux que ça.
Tain je peu même pas regarder jusqu'à la fin tellemnt c'est chiant çà mourrir. C'est quand même pas compliqué de faire un truc qui déchire quoi, y'a cas voir Blizzard (oui encore eux) avec leur video du marine de starcraft 2... C'est cours, c'est beau, ça arrache, et ça frime pas de tous les cotés en balancant tout ce qu'on sait faire... Enfin c'est le talent quoi.
Ah oui pardon la c'est du temps reèl... Bah merde alors, ça fait encore plus pitier...
Par contre ce qui est sympa c'est qu'on voit quand même qu'ils prennent de la bonne."
Comment about Linger in Shadows found on a French gamerz forum. Don't have time to translate right now, maybe later. LOL anyway.
ppffrr ahahahah...
Je connais des demomakers qui font 10 fois mieux que ça.
Tain je peu même pas regarder jusqu'à la fin tellemnt c'est chiant çà mourrir. C'est quand même pas compliqué de faire un truc qui déchire quoi, y'a cas voir Blizzard (oui encore eux) avec leur video du marine de starcraft 2... C'est cours, c'est beau, ça arrache, et ça frime pas de tous les cotés en balancant tout ce qu'on sait faire... Enfin c'est le talent quoi.
Ah oui pardon la c'est du temps reèl... Bah merde alors, ça fait encore plus pitier...
Par contre ce qui est sympa c'est qu'on voit quand même qu'ils prennent de la bonne."
Comment about Linger in Shadows found on a French gamerz forum. Don't have time to translate right now, maybe later. LOL anyway.
"While its compression capability is bordering on the magical, Demoscene's primitive integrated player lacks basic UI elements such as a volume control and seek bar. If you're like me, you'll find yourself scouring you Start menu wondering where you've misplaced Demoscene. That's right folks - Demoscene has no installer. Be prepared to get down and dirty with your hard disk drive's internals through developer power tools such as 'Windows Explorer' (you always wondered what that was for, didn't you? - Head to our shop for the latest instructional materials)."
bigcheese: lol
"My scanner reported a virus! wtf?!"
ahah bigcheese, please tell me it's a real quote :D
demo? where's the fully playable version?
"Mistä tämä löytyy Playstation storessa? En ainakaan löytänyt kun sieltä kattelin... Tietokoneelle latasin ja koitin siirtää muistitikulla PS3:m kiintolevylle, niin ei suostunut toistamaan videota."
fast and rough translation: "Where can I find this in Playstation store? Atleast I didn't find it when I looked there... When I downloaded it with my computer and tried to port it to my PS3 hard drive with a flash memory it didn't want to play the video."
Talking about watching Linger in the Shadows a week after Breakpoint...
fast and rough translation: "Where can I find this in Playstation store? Atleast I didn't find it when I looked there... When I downloaded it with my computer and tried to port it to my PS3 hard drive with a flash memory it didn't want to play the video."
Talking about watching Linger in the Shadows a week after Breakpoint...
you call this cool? carmack makes this in a day!
"Den var da ganske fin, men rent visuelt ligner den: Nææ, se hvordan jeg har været dygtig i 3ds max, moar...".
It translates into "That is quite nice, but visually it looks like: hey see how great I am at 3ds max, doh".
It translates into "That is quite nice, but visually it looks like: hey see how great I am at 3ds max, doh".
You forgot: "Mommy"
hahaha! People who don't know about the demoscene are morons!
I can do that with autocad.
LASTEST CNS INTRO HAD SOME AUDIO BUGS ON MY PC. quad@2,6ghz, 2x8600FPSX(SLI), 4gig ram, vista 64bit.. PLEASE HELP. THANKS!
My joystick is not recognized, and the game shut down after 5 minutes. wtf? This demo sux. i'll never buy the full version.
"the physics in this demo suck elephant cock, i've watched it ten times now and i still feel like a wet diaper"
what xeron said
"Atari... hmm... they made that Driver 3 game, right?"
"All I got was this stupid rhinoceros running around an island. What kind of game is this anyway?!"
"i dialed the 7800-POLYS on my telephone and nobody answered"
sorry to dig it up again but i had to...
Legalize runs an event called a "Demoscene", and I'm sure most all of you gamers have used and keygen or some sort of exe patching tool that had a cool little gui and some built in music. Well, that's a "demo" in this respect. People involved in the demo scene have competitions to make an entire 3D playable game with multiple levels and interaction under certain critieria, for example, the size limit would be 96 KB. There are a large number of these sorts of "demos" available, (here's one... http://www.theprodukkt.com/kkrieger.html ). So in a nut shell, that is what the demoscene is about
that's probably best description of demoscene
the best description of ...