America's tiniest demo party is just a week and change away!
category: general [glöplog]
yesso, could you do me a favour and count how many people there are and then how many of them have goatees? just out of interest.
In complete fairness, this actually makes it look much smaller.

soooo where are the prods? more photos please :)
Axel, its way earlier in the USA then in europe..
But please add the BRS demo to pouet please ;-) (if there is any I hope so :)
But please add the BRS demo to pouet please ;-) (if there is any I hope so :)
Magic: I worked for US media for 8 years. I know the time differences. And I don't have the final build of the demo yet. Don't even know if s_tec had enough time to finish it.
hundreds of panamericans have been successfully indoctrinated into the school of scheisse :-D
hi radman! how was the party? :D
hundreds of panamericans have been successfully indoctrinated into the school of scheisse :-D
Oh god, why would you do that! :O
You showed them... ULTRASCHEISSE????!? Oh nNooooooooo!!!!<O>
Next time go on with Wessyde :)
Next time go on with Wessyde :)
Yes yes, much fun that was.
Magic - brainstorm did release along with Trailer Park Demos and Dolphins [new group, my group ;p].
I'll upload that prod when I recover from SCHEISSE! and the ball-throwing [thanks to the people who gave the party a crate of foam balls!]. Sadly no one was able to knock off Jason's top-hat. :)
Magic - brainstorm did release along with Trailer Park Demos and Dolphins [new group, my group ;p].
I'll upload that prod when I recover from SCHEISSE! and the ball-throwing [thanks to the people who gave the party a crate of foam balls!]. Sadly no one was able to knock off Jason's top-hat. :)
Foam balls? Top hat? Now you just need raptors, contrived gender anti-stereotyping and the occasional bit of emo whining about loneliness, and it'll be like a live-action xkcd!
Pictures on Slengpung plz! :)
Anybody know anything about results or when releases will be up?
all I know is that the Trailer Park & Brainstorm co-production ranked 2nd. :)
The first place prod was released by Northern Dragons, I'll keep to myself -what- it was about as it's quite a nice surprise. ;)
It's not a debris parody, right?
micksam7: Actually, that was all Buz's work, so it was really a 'Bawls' prod. We didn't go up on the stage with him to claim the prizes either, it was all him. I can take credit only for prodding him to make the thing. : D
And yeah, there're more surprises where that came from.
And yeah, there're more surprises where that came from.
So where the fuck are the results? :D
That's what I'm wondering!
Apparently the organizers are too tired from the trip back to post them. Expect them sometime this week, maybe.
Apparently the organizers are too tired from the trip back to post them. Expect them sometime this week, maybe.
and where's that nd release?
in canada
It was made, became first and ah.... that's about it... =D
somehow, i knew ultrascheisse would find its way across the ocean!
lots of fun crazy things at blockparty/notacon.. i'll write something about it, but you'll see more at before you'll see here. :)
demo compo: 1. nd/bawlz (just barzoule), 2. tpd (& friends), 3. madbrain (1 guy, not a group).. i'm sad i didn't place, but everyone probably gave me a sucks vote the instant they saw the werkkzeug loader :)
wild compo: 1. jeri ellsworth & the fat man (you'll certainly read more about that :), 2. trixter/hornet (woo!), 3. sigflup (a new girl to the scene with a linux demo, can't go wrong there)
gfx compo won by voom/style, music compo: both streaming and oldskool won by coda, altho imo the oldskool compo was way better. and i won the photo compo, yay.
lots of fun crazy things at blockparty/notacon.. i'll write something about it, but you'll see more at before you'll see here. :)
demo compo: 1. nd/bawlz (just barzoule), 2. tpd (& friends), 3. madbrain (1 guy, not a group).. i'm sad i didn't place, but everyone probably gave me a sucks vote the instant they saw the werkkzeug loader :)
wild compo: 1. jeri ellsworth & the fat man (you'll certainly read more about that :), 2. trixter/hornet (woo!), 3. sigflup (a new girl to the scene with a linux demo, can't go wrong there)
gfx compo won by voom/style, music compo: both streaming and oldskool won by coda, altho imo the oldskool compo was way better. and i won the photo compo, yay.
YouTube video that someone uploaded.