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bp08 pc demo results

category: general [glöplog]
how does your personal top 5 look like?

do you agree on the results how they are ?

read them here:

My personal top 5 is:

1. Uk AllSTars
2. Cocoon
3. ASD
4. FR+Neuro
5. Traction+Brs
added on the 2008-03-24 17:25:45 by magic magic
1. FR+Neuro
2. Cocoon
3. UK all stars
4. ASD
5. ...
added on the 2008-03-24 17:32:56 by p01 p01
x. Einklang somewhere on the podium :p
added on the 2008-03-24 17:41:41 by Zest Zest
1. FR+Neuro
2. UK Allstars
3. ASD
4. Einklang
5. Cocoon
added on the 2008-03-24 17:43:14 by Alpha C Alpha C
1. Einklang
2. That thing in Java. ;)
3. Cocoon
4. Excess

And as you can see I completely disagree with official results (well there was a bit of namevoting unfortunately).
added on the 2008-03-24 17:46:33 by masterm masterm
Who cares? All the 5 demos mentioned in the original post by Magic are good demos. People vote after their taste, and the results may or may not correspond with your particular taste.

This thread is bullshit.
added on the 2008-03-24 17:52:09 by lug00ber lug00ber
My personal favorites are the ones from ASD and UKSA... but all of the top five demos deserved to win. They all cater to different tastes so it was quite obvious that this will be a close race. IMHO the real winner was the scene itself, because this was a tremendous demo competition.
added on the 2008-03-24 17:55:55 by Stebo Stebo
What Lug00ber said. This discussion is meaningless.
added on the 2008-03-24 18:11:12 by menace menace
yeah, excellent compo indeed
added on the 2008-03-24 18:11:28 by tempest tempest
lug00ber: according to your (not wrong) reasoning that's the whole pouet bbs which would deserve to be flushed away ;)
added on the 2008-03-24 18:22:03 by Zest Zest
Zest: I'm not sure you're really helping your case here ;)
added on the 2008-03-24 18:31:48 by p01 p01
1. Allstars
2. ASD
3. That thing in Java
4. Farbrausch
5. That 3D PC game intro with the gorilla
added on the 2008-03-24 18:49:55 by --------- ---------
added on the 2008-03-24 18:51:29 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
This thread is indeed pointless, since everyone will always have their personal favourites. I don't think I have ever seen a compo result list which after the party has been completely accepted and agreed upon. :)

After all, Metalvotze won BP a few years back.. now that spawned some pretty funny threads. :)
added on the 2008-03-24 18:57:57 by gloom gloom
This thread is indeed pointless, since everyone will always have their personal favourites.

Yeah, and this thread is where you can express them.
Pointless thread, but entertaining compo. I somehow felt sorry for not having any contribution, but then I drank a lot of sparkling wine and it all felt fine.
added on the 2008-03-24 19:21:32 by dixan dixan
Yeah, sparkling wine is quite a nice effect.
added on the 2008-03-24 20:42:10 by --------- ---------
If at least your list would feature somewhat interesting comments as to why this or that demo is your favorite.. then we'd be talking. Otherwise it's just a list-thread.
added on the 2008-03-24 20:45:35 by _-_-__ _-_-__
1. ASD

BP08 demo compo sucks.BP07 was much better.Sorry.
added on the 2008-03-24 20:50:04 by #535 #535
I totally disagree. Debris saved 2007 from a below-average compo, in my opinion.
added on the 2008-03-24 21:24:35 by dixan dixan
Indeed, what I see here is far better than the bp 2007 entries. Less catering to audience, more introspection, more variety.
added on the 2008-03-24 22:05:44 by _-_-__ _-_-__
I second that. Also: I find that there was some "innovation" in the adopted music stiles, expecially in the PC demo section.
added on the 2008-03-24 22:11:35 by bdk bdk


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