category: residue [glöplog]
Amy in swimsuit.
typical booth-babes look like jaded mature strippers/whores - which I dont like at all. trash
red heads
dig ugly computer cases
dig ugly computer cases
also, random hardware with girl:
blokey> WTF?? where are the muscles on the this is pouetaaaa-man ?
Dude! Price for most obscure Sega arcade game ever!
not to forget speed metal goddess #1:
same for death metal:
wtf toxie youre not supposed to know the great kat :D
why not?
whoops.. almost forgot the best shouterin ever:
IGA aka Eva Wyrwal
Damn Hot
I never though I would post here... how strange life is
iq: what's happened to you!? :'(
iq had a temporary IQ malfunction