Arcade games you must play before you die!
category: residue [glöplog]


i lost many guilders to this one: YIE AR KUNG FU!

Whole series.

how could i forget: afterburner and space harrier!! those were real arcade experiences. but you didn't have those in the local snack bar, sadly..
Vendetta by Konami, 1991

And obviously,my first love (and still one of my biggest, i really love SEGA), Sega AM-2 team on the glorious Model 1 board.

This was some really impressive 3D graphics back in the times.

And obviously,my first love (and still one of my biggest, i really love SEGA), Sega AM-2 team on the glorious Model 1 board.

This was some really impressive 3D graphics back in the times.

Cadillacs & Dinosaurs. This brings me good memories...

ahh.. virtua racing took a lot of money from me. pioneering stuff and *great* multiplayer fun. daytona, rad mobile and scud race are other sega racers that are well worth a look. for beat-em-ups capcom was of course the king. but while cadillacs & dinosaurs was a great game.. final fight is the one for me. i was offered an original arcade cab of this a couple of years ago and it took all of my will power to convince myself that i really couldn't take it ;(

My all-time fav is probably X-men vs Street Fighter.
Out of shooters Time Crisis (the original) simply can't be beat.
Also agree with evilpaul about Scud Race (Sega Super GT) being "worth a look". Why is there still no home version of that game?
Considering all three games are from the mid-90's there might be an element of nostalgia involved too though.
Out of shooters Time Crisis (the original) simply can't be beat.
Also agree with evilpaul about Scud Race (Sega Super GT) being "worth a look". Why is there still no home version of that game?
Considering all three games are from the mid-90's there might be an element of nostalgia involved too though.
How could anyone NOT mention!

Hmm, that's better :)

Oh, and!

How, could I forget..

And the old Space Invaders ain't too bad either.

And the old Space Invaders ain't too bad either.

Hollowman: R360 Sweet!

Super Hang On

Ghosts'n Goblins

Double Dragons

Battle Zone

Dig Dug

Pole Position, prepare to qualify!


Ghosts'n Goblins
Double Dragons

Battle Zone

Dig Dug

Pole Position, prepare to qualify!
