So.. what if we stop doing demos and just do cubes?
category: general [glöplog]
full ack!
Think outside the cube.
if you do cubes you run in circles.
Cubes can approximate anything if you make them small enough.
a cloud of cubes will never look like a smooth surface regardless of how dense it is.
wrong click.
So.. what if we stop doing demos and just do psychedelic drugs?
hyde: sure it will. but why?
Where are those boxes from? They're all over the net for months!
Xernobyl: A game called Portal. You should check it out, it is very cleverly designed. It's concidered groundbreaking in some aspects. Haven't played it myself though.
best game ever, to be specific.
Is it for AMIGA?
no, it's the best game ever.
there was a adventure-like game called portal on c64. You were in a future network and had to find out what happened.
stefan: think about surface normals for a while
the outro of Portal is worthy by himself :)
I don't get it... are you suggesting to replace the 1% of democontent, that currently aren't cubes, with cubes? Ingenious!!
If it's just about cube, I could be a demoscener. :/
it's also about rotation
hyde: what about them
kelsey> yeayeah, can do.
a few cubes subpixelling a pixel will not look blocky eventually