Garfield vs. scene
category: residue [glöplog]
Ah, excellent. This thread was entertaining me through work several days last year. Here's to hoping for another rush of cartoons :)

i worship you.
bringing the level back up at least :)

hahahah the adok garfield parody hahahahaha great hahaha
Dr. Doom is in the lead.
doom :D

I want more.
truly L.O.L. Absolutely hi-la-ri-ous!
oh man how I missed those. Keep em coming. I'm sure the Breakpoint invitation offers some possibilities. :)
oh man how I missed those. Keep em coming. I'm sure the Breakpoint invitation offers some possibilities. :)
Why the fuck is a cat talking to a computer? Skype?
Xernobyl: Correction, it is THINKING to the computer. Illegal telepathy, you know.
besides.. vista has speech recognition!
Xernobyl: Correction, it is THINKING to the computer. Illegal telepathy, you know.
I loled and almost spitted cookie crumbs into the screen.
nooo mah cookys!
awesome thread.
awesome thread.

I don't get that one... 3DO? The 3DO console?
hahaha! Emod, you're cracking me up. :)

i thought he was banned. :-/