wtf is this effect called?!
category: general [glöplog]

the bucktooth effect?

APP14APP14 Flags 0 [14], Encoded with Blend=1 downsampling
APP14 Flags 1 (none)
Color Transform YCbCr
DCT Encode Version 100
DuckyQuality 90%
JFIFJFIF Version 1.2
Resolution 100 pixels/None
File — basic information derived from the file. Bits Per Sample 8
Color Components 3
Encoding Process Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
File Type JPEG
Image Size 300 × 300
MIME Type image/jpeg
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
APP14 Flags 1 (none)
Color Transform YCbCr
DCT Encode Version 100
DuckyQuality 90%
JFIFJFIF Version 1.2
Resolution 100 pixels/None
File — basic information derived from the file. Bits Per Sample 8
Color Components 3
Encoding Process Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
File Type JPEG
Image Size 300 × 300
MIME Type image/jpeg
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling YCbCr4:4:4 (1 1)
It's called "Nigga"

My guess: it's called smilling.
Xernobyl: Probably a faked one tho. It's quite hard to achieve with a modern mindset.