The insults thread
category: general [glöplog]
Ok, since some people here once in a while find it hard to keep discussions sober and civilized, I thought we should have a specific thread for disposing off all those bad words and insults.
No, this is not demoscene-relevant directly.... indirectly, however, you COULD say that it would have a positive effect on the demoscene talks here, so please don't ban me for this. ;)
So, route the insults to this thread and keep the rest of Pouet clean!
No, this is not demoscene-relevant directly.... indirectly, however, you COULD say that it would have a positive effect on the demoscene talks here, so please don't ban me for this. ;)
So, route the insults to this thread and keep the rest of Pouet clean!
Your head is shaped like a traffic cone and your mom smells like cabbage!
Wow, that was fast - on the other hand, most girls claim you're fast.
Nutman: Bad timing. You started this thread just as the discussion ended. :)
Nitro2k1's head is shaped like a cabbage and his mom smells like traffic cones!
Nitro: It's a universal, multi-purpose thread. You know, the kind that gets bumped when you exspect it the least - and hates it most.
Nutman, you fucking wanker, what purpose would this thread serve? Idiot.
okkie is a social incompetent faggot with aspergers. (Not that I'm not)
that's not an insult, you moron. That's a wrong diagnose.
Fuck, you even suck at insulting people. Is there something you are remotely good at? Tying your laces? Crossing the street? Anything?
Fuck, you even suck at insulting people. Is there something you are remotely good at? Tying your laces? Crossing the street? Anything?
Okkie retteketet...........
I resent okkie for not giving me a bicycle!
Well, you should come to breakpoint!
breakpoint should go to parapete, the world revolves around his bicycle ;D
This is not an insult: You are a dumb dutch fuck.
(with love <3)
(with love <3)
Lord Graga: This thread is not a place to write the truth and declare your love towards Okkie! Get a room! Preferably in Enschede!
okkie: oh yeah and how am i supposed to get to bp without a bike? you're ruined my easter!
... maybe?
ta gueule !!
oh yeah? well you fight like a cow!
rob is jarig