Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

First hit by google for big. 

For the sake of humanity I will not post the first hit for snooker.

First hit for snooker on google.de

First hit for snooker on google.com

First hit for 'wtf' on google

first hit for mike tyson on boxing

first hit for "stfu" on google.de

Shockwav3, AgentMulder: Turn off SafeSearch...

Shockwave: lol exactly what I thought first about the "kb"-picture :P

Old trick.. Well, but how does this shit comply with, e.g. Gravity and stuff?

HCL how does a chair comply with gravity? the stick if mate of metal inside the disguise.. and either is hammered into the road or its a board under it which would explain the carpet..
if you look the guy is rotatet abit (look his left knee and right one, there you have your gravity ;D)
if you look the guy is rotatet abit (look his left knee and right one, there you have your gravity ;D)