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breakpoint 2008

category: general [glöplog]
Nutman: AFAIR about 10-11 from Copenhagen, and about 17 from Frankfurt. Which is just fine :).
added on the 2008-01-17 13:06:25 by curt_cool curt_cool
time: blk.b -1,#$00 ; -1 = endleZZ (nOt really... ;) )
space: dc.b " "

for (i=-1;i!=i;i+-) // i NEVER != i ;)
move.b #time,space
10 PRINT "HUH.?! Time just got Black.! WTF.!?"; COMMENT: the ";" adds a RETURN after every Sentence.!
20 GOTO 10

What did the Author want to say.?? - "Dunno,donásk´me.!!!"
its minimalistic mixing of 3 different coding-Languagez...
...maybe we should drop DEMO-Compo against a
...nah...jus kiddinG...but.:
...pleeZe speed up Time until BP´08.!! (i wont get anything ready until then anyway :/ ) --> @whoever is able to play with Time.!

And.: When i´ll WIN that Compo I´ll buy a VAGINA of it.! ;) MY PRETTY OWN VAGINA.! (paying double-Entrance in 2009 then ;) )


this is not the random load-a-jpg-in-notepad-and-post-its-content-thread.
added on the 2008-01-17 13:45:21 by dalezr dalezr
cOcOOn nobody checks how much genitalia you have at breakpoint until perhaps the last night party - but not to get in!
added on the 2008-01-17 14:03:24 by forestcre forestcre
forestcre.: i guess there´s sth everybody_else_than_me knowZ...
...but i have 2 adMire i don´t get anything you wanted 2 say...

---maybe you got the FACT,that my smalll CounterPart is the smallest CounterPart there ever existeD in the whole Scene.!!!
^^just rofl....this is sooo ridiculous.!

i just tried to merge ALL-Entries-of-this-Thread-into-one-PhraZe-of-Fun.! ;)

@shane.: this is my first AND last msg 2 u.: i FILTER you ;) (dunno,how you got through it this time.!! ;) )

anD now,ladYs anD genTz...get eggZ,and don´t forget the SALT ;)
you know there's something wrong with a forum post that has more punctuation than alphanumeric characters.
added on the 2008-01-17 15:55:49 by Gargaj Gargaj
HAHA.! i luv u2,garg.! ;)
can i suggest giving brainfuck a go?
added on the 2008-01-17 16:25:34 by el mal el mal
Maali: preferrably the Ook variant so he won't have to touch a computer and consequently won't be able to bother us about it over the internet anymore.
added on the 2008-01-18 10:51:37 by Shifter Shifter
Ok, finally ordered my tickets. Jumping through hoops to get there this year. Copenhagen -> Düsseldorf (plane, 1 hour), Düsseldorf -> Koblenz -> Bingen (train, 2,5 hours). Bingen -> Köln (train, 1 hour), Köln -> Copenhagen (plane, 1,3 hours).
Which, an in all, isn't so bad. I saved 40 euros this way, when compared to having to go from Copenhagen directly to Frankfurt. And from Frankfurt I still need to take the train for an hour, or so. I guess Frankfurt really isn't the only option, when going to Bingen. Might also catch some beautiful scenery on the 2,5 hour train ride from Düsseldorf - or complete my compo tune in time for the jury to de-select it! ;)
So you're not driving this year?
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added on the 2008-01-21 08:28:29 by tFt tFt
Ok, finally ordered my tickets. Jumping through hoops to get there this year. Copenhagen -> Düsseldorf (plane, 1 hour), Düsseldorf -> Koblenz -> Bingen (train, 2,5 hours). Bingen -> Köln (train, 1 hour), Köln -> Copenhagen (plane, 1,3 hours).
Which, an in all, isn't so bad. I saved 40 euros this way, when compared to having to go from Copenhagen directly to Frankfurt. And from Frankfurt I still need to take the train for an hour, or so. I guess Frankfurt really isn't the only option, when going to Bingen.

i just wanted to repeat this one, especially in the context of the whole convenience think you talked about earlier. i, for one, am taking a train to fredericia and then i'm going to get driven and drunk until they kick us out right at the rundsporthalle. :)
added on the 2008-01-21 10:09:18 by skrebbel skrebbel
Nutman: BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! omg... saving 40 euros by doing that? Oh yes, that's a scoop... errrh :)

skrebbel: if you need any help regarding the train-trip, let me know! Also; are you in DK already or how's that?
added on the 2008-01-21 10:19:47 by Puryx Puryx
nah, moving over in about a week. and it's not like i've never taken a train in denmark before, don't worry, i'll survive. as long as i know when to be in kolding/fredericia i'll be all right.
added on the 2008-01-21 10:25:06 by skrebbel skrebbel
Skrebbel: Heh, fair enough - still, I saved 6 hours each way and, even more important, I saved 6 hours each way in a bus full of loud, stinking and generally annoying sceners ;)
tft: you forgot your little "souvenir" on the side there, didn't you?
tft: besides, you got the model all wrong, you drunken imbecile.
It was more like this one:
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tft: you forgot your little "souvenir" on the side there, didn't you?

You mean this?
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added on the 2008-01-21 18:35:16 by tFt tFt
Ow, yeah - there it is. Nice, fresh and juicy. :P
I'll give you a medal if you come puke on my means of transportation this year! ;)
And will that one cute chick be there?

okkie: yes, Darkhawk will be there, as usual.

there's cute chicks called "darkhawk"? wow! she must be *very* goth :)
added on the 2008-01-24 09:50:21 by skrebbel skrebbel
wow, she's hot.
added on the 2008-01-24 10:56:11 by skrebbel skrebbel
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added on the 2008-01-24 11:14:06 by doomdoom doomdoom
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added on the 2008-01-24 12:32:26 by Gaia Gaia


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