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Hessian prime minister competition 2008

category: general [glöplog]
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added on the 2008-01-18 22:30:54 by freeze freeze
i never knew there were actually still people living in hessen
added on the 2008-01-18 22:48:12 by skrebbel skrebbel
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added on the 2008-01-18 22:59:44 by Preacher Preacher
i never knew there were actually still people living in hessen

Don't know about that but isn't these tiny regions beyond the need for a "prime minister"?
added on the 2008-01-18 23:09:39 by El Topo El Topo
yes, because small states deserve no government!

and i also think that the prince of luxembourg should lay down his evil regime and report directly to the european commision.
added on the 2008-01-18 23:11:53 by skrebbel skrebbel
"Tiny regions"?

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added on the 2008-01-18 23:24:50 by freeze freeze
HESSian? you sick fucks!
rumors have it that he's dead by now.
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added on the 2008-01-18 23:25:55 by dalezr dalezr
As in Hessian matrix?
added on the 2008-01-18 23:53:14 by xernobyl xernobyl
and i also think that the prince of luxembourg should lay down his evil regime and report directly to the european commision.

I agree.

"Tiny regions"?

Yes, it has an area smaller than Småland. I refuse to take a "prime minister" of such an area seriously. Even if it's cramped to the point where people live up eachothers assholes.
added on the 2008-01-19 00:39:53 by El Topo El Topo
i vote for emil i lönneberga being the next prime minister of småland. countervotes? anyone?
added on the 2008-01-19 00:52:06 by dalezr dalezr
Hessen is only 30km from Bingen!
added on the 2008-01-19 02:20:05 by novel novel

According to Wikipedia Småland has an area of 32.076 km² and 710.409 inhabitants and Hesse 21.114,94 km² and 6.070.425 inhabitants. And it got Frankfurt.

<sarcasm> And indeed it would be better that people in Brussels would decide over whats going to change in a region they know very well! </sarcasm> :P
added on the 2008-01-19 10:00:20 by freeze freeze
i love it how you germans have this double or even triple sense of nationality.
added on the 2008-01-19 10:06:53 by skrebbel skrebbel
i love it how you germans have this double or even triple sense of nationality.
So what are these? German, Polish and Austrian?
added on the 2008-01-19 10:26:28 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
Wirrrr sind die Niederrrsachsen, sturrrrmfest und errrdverwachsen...
added on the 2008-01-19 10:29:14 by chromag chromag
Ypsilanti sucks to? I dont know.. But i guess everything will be better than Cock.
I vote for Blanka Sobrero
The chick is a MILF with glasses
added on the 2008-01-19 13:42:50 by Optimus Optimus
Fun fact:

The hessian constitution still has the death penalty in it.

It is not practiced because the constitution of Germany forbids the death penalty and it stands above the constitutions of the states.
added on the 2008-01-19 14:11:16 by Salinga Salinga
federation system sux :>
added on the 2008-01-19 14:20:48 by Zest Zest
@ salinga:
this is not a fun fact - it is a legend. you will find nothing about death penalty in this constitution.
added on the 2008-01-19 16:43:34 by marlowe marlowe


Ist jemand einer strafbaren Handlung für schuldig befunden worden, so können ihm auf Grund der Strafgesetze durch richterliches Urteil die Freiheit und die bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte entzogen oder beschränkt werden. Bei besonders schweren Verbrechen kann er zum Tode verurteilt werden.

Not a legend after all.
added on the 2008-01-19 16:46:32 by Salinga Salinga
Whats next? News from Jacobina?
added on the 2008-01-19 16:46:59 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
i should read before i write.
than is the legend a legend
added on the 2008-01-19 18:09:45 by marlowe marlowe
Double/triple sense of nationality: The Bundesländer in Germany are like the states in the USA. There are plans to reduce the number of the federal states though. E.g. they are planning to merge Berlin and Brandenburg.
added on the 2008-01-19 19:15:21 by Adok Adok
I'm happy that I'm in Niedersachsen now...
Gießen sucked ass.
added on the 2008-01-19 19:17:50 by raer raer


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