Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
category: general [glöplog]
i feel i must share this:
for people with s60 phones (or any handhelds with a port; i run it on a nokia e70 which is s60v3) there's a sega genesis/megadrive emulator called picodrive.
it runs, among other things, the megadrive version of carmen sandiego, which is good easy fun during train rides and such, at least if you also get nostalgia kicks from it. the megadrive version works quite well on a handheld (the controls are easy), it looks much like the amiga version, and you get an overview of geography in the 80s :)
for people with s60 phones (or any handhelds with a port; i run it on a nokia e70 which is s60v3) there's a sega genesis/megadrive emulator called picodrive.
it runs, among other things, the megadrive version of carmen sandiego, which is good easy fun during train rides and such, at least if you also get nostalgia kicks from it. the megadrive version works quite well on a handheld (the controls are easy), it looks much like the amiga version, and you get an overview of geography in the 80s :)
Mmm, im testing the Picodive on my P910i now, but its hard to control games like duke nukem 3d with any of the controls on my phone. :D

Might also be of interest:

I don't know but I once made a song called "Where in the Fjord is Carmen Sandiego" :P
Where in the fnord is Carmen Sandiego
I think it's called, "Where in this porn is Carmen Sandiego"

"Where are they now?" special : It seems time has caught up with Carmen

I never really caught her. Only the small fry.