who's doing a TMDC entry this year?
category: general [glöplog]
I 'm mOOOOOost of the way done my TMDC X entry. Want to make the top 3, but also want to drink.
It'd be helpful to know if more than 2 other groups are entering, since if there are only 3, then I don't have to try very hard.
Pic related.

It'd be helpful to know if more than 2 other groups are entering, since if there are only 3, then I don't have to try very hard.
Pic related.

i heard it's only north americans doing TMDC this year.
I know of at least two Finnish groups that are making an entry. I'm one of them though, and my entry is in so sad state right now that I don't know if I want to release it. It's also ~2 megs over the size limit and relies heavily in FFT syncing, so and I haven't even tried yet what will happen if I downsample the song.
well then, the GODS of the SCENE will just have to slug it out amongst themSELVES then. WATCH OUT EUROTRASH, HERE WE COME! <3 <3 <3
It'd be helpful to know if more than 2 other groups are entering, since if there are only 3, then I don't have to try very hard.
The true coder spirit ;-)
I was working on one but cannot finish it in time.. maybe next year then :)
seems like we're not making it either. But then again, we already did a full circle at TMDC, so maybe it's time to quit...
Does anyone here know how to send the entry?I tried the mail address on the TMDC website,but it doesn't work for me.Since Today is the deadline,my Email address: mrTony AT 163 DOT com
Maybe Sol_HSA can help you (he's on IRCNet)