Random Jesus thread
category: general [glöplog]
I don't have anything against believing in a 'god', Christian or otherwise, it's just the bullshit that comes with it, the rules of ego etc, written by people who confused their own ideas with a 'gods', that I have a problem with. I don't think all people who consider themselves religious are blind followers, so I'm not gonna make such a bold, generalized, arrogant statement such as 'religion is teh shitty problems in teh world', or 'I know more than teh religious stoopids therefoor they is stoopid'. Those kinds of opinions are results of observing someones behavior and reacting in self-defense, rather than questioning and trying to understand the motives behind teh bad peeples actions.

Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
Atheism is a belief system
I don't think all religious people are blind followers. But the ones who call themselves Christians either don't know/care what's in the Christian Bible (makes them blind followers), or they know and find it all a-ok (makes them dangerous psychopaths).
To believe in (the possibility of) a vague and so-far-unknown God is more agnosticism than religion. I have no problem with agnostics.
To believe in (the possibility of) a vague and so-far-unknown God is more agnosticism than religion. I have no problem with agnostics.
haha dalezy
front print is cooler though.

now fuck me!
front print is cooler though.

now fuck me!
I follow the teaching of the sword that protects life.
Keep refreshing...
Keep refreshing...

Jesus was a MEXICAN!!!:D
Jesus is a myth.

now with moar light fx
tsss, shaders.

Jesus 2.0?
xernobyl: What, just because Nazareth supposedly didn't actually exist in the first century you think Jesus of Nazareth didn't actually live there? See I think Jesus of Nazareth (as well as a few of the other Jesuses and Messiahs and sons of God of that era) had more than enough zen power to live in a city that didn't exist yet. It's sort of not a big deal next to the whole "I am my own father" thing.
The archetypal Jewish hero was Joshua (the successor of Moses) otherwise known as Yeshua ben Nun (‘Jesus of the fish’). Since the name Jesus (Yeshua or Yeshu in Hebrew, Ioshu in Greek, source of the English spelling) originally was a title (meaning ‘saviour’, derived from ‘Yahweh Saves’) probably every band in the Jewish resistance had its own hero figure sporting this moniker, among others.
Josephus, the first century Jewish historian mentions no fewer than nineteen different Yeshuas/Jesii, about half of them contemporaries of the supposed Christ! In his Antiquities, of the twenty-eight high priests who held office from the reign of Herod the Great to the fall of the Temple, no fewer than four bore the name Jesus: Jesus ben Phiabi, Jesus ben Sec, Jesus ben Damneus and Jesus ben Gamaliel. Even Saint Paul makes reference to a rival magician, preaching ‘another Jesus’ (2 Corinthians 11,4).
Sadly the source is a website called jesusneverexisted.com, so you have to be a little skeptical. Still funny though.

haha fuck you poueteers

It is quite easy to make fun out of someone's ideals. It's quite easy to mix them with garbage too... How hard is to stand behind those ideals?
Aren't you supposed to speak Danish in threads like this?
selectanovel: nono - that's when you make fun of Muhammad.... ;)
cichy: Christians believe the following:
- God created Everything.
- Hell is real.
- Hell, being real, is part of Everything, so God created Hell.
- Jesus is God.
- God always knows exactly what he's doing.
- If you don't accept Jesus as your saviour before you die, you go to hell, forever (!).
- Jesus didn't show up to tell us this until about 2000 years ago.
- The human race is at least 5000 years old.
- So, everyone born before Jesus is currently suffering in Hell and had no chance of not ending up there and will never ever be able to leave.
IOW, Jesus is personally responsible for inflicting eternal (!) pain+suffering on billions of people whose only crime was being born in the 3000 years after the fall and before he started preaching. Which makes Jesus infinitely more evil than, say, Hitler.
I like ideals that speak for themselves. Religion is for those that don't.
- God created Everything.
- Hell is real.
- Hell, being real, is part of Everything, so God created Hell.
- Jesus is God.
- God always knows exactly what he's doing.
- If you don't accept Jesus as your saviour before you die, you go to hell, forever (!).
- Jesus didn't show up to tell us this until about 2000 years ago.
- The human race is at least 5000 years old.
- So, everyone born before Jesus is currently suffering in Hell and had no chance of not ending up there and will never ever be able to leave.
IOW, Jesus is personally responsible for inflicting eternal (!) pain+suffering on billions of people whose only crime was being born in the 3000 years after the fall and before he started preaching. Which makes Jesus infinitely more evil than, say, Hitler.
I like ideals that speak for themselves. Religion is for those that don't.
Also, fuckings to teddy bears.
So, everyone born before Jesus is currently suffering in Hell and had no chance of not ending up there and will never ever be able to leave.
lol. I never thought of it that way...