category: general [glöplog]
Well Hyde, I was just planning on starting a group called Andramedo. I was hoping to fly under the radar with that, but if it'll come to a beltfight I'll bring my White Belt of Indie Cred to BP and we can have an epic battle!
All demogroups should mix all together and do teh ultimate all-time demo of the millenium and then we would decree that the scene is dead!
Why about making a 1 hour demo made by ASD, Andromeda, Farbrausch, Conspiracy, MFX, Kewlers, STS ?
That would keep all those discussions silent.
Why about making a 1 hour demo made by ASD, Andromeda, Farbrausch, Conspiracy, MFX, Kewlers, STS ?
That would keep all those discussions silent.
1. too many cooks and all that
2. it's not always the busy demo makers doing the talking :)
Otherwise, a fine idea. Perhaps something like a megademo with lots of contributed parts, wasn't that done in the old days?
1. too many cooks and all that
2. it's not always the busy demo makers doing the talking :)
Otherwise, a fine idea. Perhaps something like a megademo with lots of contributed parts, wasn't that done in the old days?
Perhaps something like a megademo with lots of contributed parts, wasn't that done in the old days?
Psonice: What are you talking about ?!? Such a thing never existed, maybe only in your sick mind Sir !!! :)
Speaking of which, any sane lead prog/art knows that the recipe "add more people to make it better/bigger" almost never works.
keops: if it happened before yesterday, it gets hard to remember ;)
I was thinking more along the lines of the old style megademos than a modern demo (imagine traction, mfx and fairlight working together on a scene, then ASD doing the overlays..). I'm sure there were some on the olde ST where different groups submitted a screen? But everything is separate so theres no contamination. A modern take on that could work.
I was thinking more along the lines of the old style megademos than a modern demo (imagine traction, mfx and fairlight working together on a scene, then ASD doing the overlays..). I'm sure there were some on the olde ST where different groups submitted a screen? But everything is separate so theres no contamination. A modern take on that could work.
Too much argue guys for something meaningless. (my opinion)
Σωτο χεραιτω Οδυσσεας!
Σωτο χεραιτω Οδυσσεας!
Psonice : on Atari it was rather "each group submits its own screen then we put all the screens together in a megademo".
There are very few examples of single screens made by many groups but there are some indeed ( for example, with the famous "Giga-Tex" screen that was actually not really amazing in the end)
However, I don't totally dig the idea of XXX doing the effect, YYY doing the overlays and ZZZ doing the music because that kinds of make people stay in the clichés there are already stuck with.
First thing that comes to my mind when reading that is a screen being made of FLT's growing ribbons along with Traction's glowing lines and ASD's noise layers and guitar music. Yes, that's utterly cliché I know but that's what fist came to my mind when reading it :)
(let's be more cliché and add Equinox scrollers)
There are very few examples of single screens made by many groups but there are some indeed ( for example, with the famous "Giga-Tex" screen that was actually not really amazing in the end)
However, I don't totally dig the idea of XXX doing the effect, YYY doing the overlays and ZZZ doing the music because that kinds of make people stay in the clichés there are already stuck with.
First thing that comes to my mind when reading that is a screen being made of FLT's growing ribbons along with Traction's glowing lines and ASD's noise layers and guitar music. Yes, that's utterly cliché I know but that's what fist came to my mind when reading it :)
(let's be more cliché and add Equinox scrollers)
i'm thinking of starting a new group..
Anyone into camels and shit can join.
Anyone into camels and shit can join.
keops: you forgot mfx, picture the whole thing happening in dirty dishwater with fast screen flashing :) (the point was that you'd probably end up with a big mess btw.) I think you'd get major style clash too.
Thinking a bit more though.. I bet a lot of groups have a spare effect or scene lying around. Putting them together as an oldschool style megademo would save them from being abandoned at least.
Thinking a bit more though.. I bet a lot of groups have a spare effect or scene lying around. Putting them together as an oldschool style megademo would save them from being abandoned at least.
Thinking a bit more though.. I bet a lot of groups have a spare effect or scene lying around. Putting them together as an oldschool style megademo would save them from being abandoned at least.
I've seen a couple of demosystems on the source level, and most of them (including mine) are pretty horrible. I wouldn't want to be the person who puts that monstrosity together :)
ahah so true.
Unless they all follow the example of Ithaqua's clean code I once saw ;)
Unless they all follow the example of Ithaqua's clean code I once saw ;)
What we need is a coder with plenty of knowledge and skill, lots of motivation to make a stunning demo, but absolutely zero talent at making demos. Anyone here fit the bill? =)
Apart from the bit about knowledge, skill and motivation, I could name a few.

I think Uncle-X and I have to merge groups!
Who wants to join A Dromandromedaredroma?
Who wants to join A Dromandromedaredroma?
(imagine traction, mfx and fairlight working together on a scene, then ASD doing the overlays..)
i did, and now i want to slash my wrists. now which way was it, down or across...
Imagine a demo made by Kewlers, STS, mikro and SQNY!
Sauli: That would suck! But if they could also get Mojito and Lords of Liquor aboard..
reed: either way lacks design. Get smash to make you either a nice curvy slash with loops, or at least one with a few arrows. ;)
break: I think mojito sucks ass but Lords of Liquor kicks some serious butt.. so I'd rather like LoL to participate.
reed: pass me the razor blade when you're done.
Beltfight........hmmm....they dont look so tuff to me.

Speaking of which, any sane lead prog/art knows that the recipe "add more people to make it better/bigger" almost never works.
And what about the pyramids mister Keops ??
imagine fairlight+razor!!11