Super Mario Galaxy
category: general [glöplog]
finally we get le petit prince 2 as a game for wii and with mario :)
and the link
it's sooooooooooooooooooooooo great!
Galaxy is cool, but I'd rather have people working on getting access to 0xCDXXXXXX back from GC mode.
Sorry. I'm lame. What's above 0xCD000000? Wii's extra memory (in relation to gamecube)? Anyway that's useless since I can't run anything (read SD media launcher) in gamecube mode in wii.
When will this thread die?
When will this thread die?
And that was how everyone agreed that Super Mario Galaxy was a really good game. </thread>
The game looks boring to me. *hides*
I DON'T agree! o/
Watch carefully the cover and the sparkles on the letters:
Now that's puzzling, although now that surprising when you think about it :)
(no, I'm no detail-zealot!)
@xernoybyl: the 0xCD000000+ range provides access to all the interesting new hardware we didnt have on gamecube. (Wiimotes, wifi, bluetooth, etc.)
Keops : Hahaha ! So true... :D
Knowing how to get there from gamecube mode is useless. Finding a way to run stuff on wii, in native mode, is much better. In gamecube mode all those new things are deactivated. It's probably impossible to access wii mode after you're in gamecube mode without a reset.
And those stars are as easily in "UR MR GAY" as in "UMOAAY". Only a gay spots the G word. ;)
xernobyl: Did you notice the big fat gay Italian plumber flying through (a gay fantasy version of) space with magic gay stardust shooting out of his bit fat gay anus?
Only a gay man wouldn't look at that cover and think "that is gay".
Only a gay man wouldn't look at that cover and think "that is gay".
Solving the puzzle in the title is only too easy after that.
And you didn't even mention the strange black hole with a red outline in the bottom right-hand corner of the pack... For Freud's sake, that's insane ! :D
He also sprays stardust by is armpits: so he's a real man
that black hole is very goatse to me.
Gay means happy
"very" goatse? look closely, it even has the ring on the correct (4th) finger.
The expert speaks.
Mario is not gay. He has the princess! And that UR MR GAY thing. It's internal joke of ninty probably?
I can't say it's the best game ever but I'm sure it's one of the best.
I'm really surprised about the game's sound! Every sound is so beautifully integrated with all the other sounds :O
I'm really surprised about the game's sound! Every sound is so beautifully integrated with all the other sounds :O