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breakpoint 2008

category: general [glöplog]
Scamp: how about symbolic prizes for the compos ? Nothing really expensive. Would that help lower the entrance fee a little bit ?

added on the 2007-11-16 17:42:45 by keops keops
wtf?! no idea how I added those empty lines :)
added on the 2007-11-16 17:44:31 by keops keops
Keops, what happened to your Enter Key ? =)

added on the 2007-11-16 17:44:55 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R

It's ok.
added on the 2007-11-16 17:48:22 by doomdoom doomdoom
ryg: Yeah, A4000s are crap aren't they. Especially when people start expanding them with PCI boards, PPCs and what not. :)

Still never heard of one catching fire before. I'm sure that was a fairly unique A4000 you had your hands on there.
added on the 2007-11-16 17:49:49 by doomdoom doomdoom
keops: bp prizes have been traditionally low-profile compared to, say, assembly - i always saw a purpose for them to cover the travel costs, etc.
added on the 2007-11-16 17:51:14 by Gargaj Gargaj
i always saw a purpose for them to cover the travel costs, etc.

Maybe it usually covers yours and a the ones of a few other people. However, I doubt it covers those of the 500 remaining attendants :)
added on the 2007-11-16 18:00:00 by keops keops
Can I come with my Tank ????
added on the 2007-11-16 18:01:34 by jim jim
- we can has yummi kibabs liek last yeer?

yeah, let's worry about the food =)
added on the 2007-11-16 18:11:32 by dalezr dalezr
keops: the point was mainly that the prizemoney isnt that high already.
added on the 2007-11-16 18:15:21 by Gargaj Gargaj
An hug should be enough as a prize :D
added on the 2007-11-16 19:04:07 by xernobyl xernobyl
stefan, ok you win the poorness contest ;)
added on the 2007-11-16 19:29:37 by Oswald Oswald
Yes!! What do i get, what do i get? Free supply of old newspapers?
added on the 2007-11-16 19:54:43 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
you get a hug on honor system :D
added on the 2007-11-16 19:59:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
heh, if you live relatively closeby it's travel expenses + two hamburgers at macdonalds halfway :D
added on the 2007-11-16 21:41:02 by el mal el mal
Isn't there one of those places where the poor eat for free near breakpoint?
added on the 2007-11-16 22:24:21 by xernobyl xernobyl
Gosh, my poor xernobyl, are you _that_ broke ? :(
added on the 2007-11-16 22:26:10 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
i probably could go to BP by bike.. only 30km but since i hate RL i wont, haha.
Gosh, my poor xernobyl, are you _that_ broke ? :(
Who would spend money in plane tickets without money to eat?
added on the 2007-11-17 02:40:38 by xernobyl xernobyl
xernobyl: ffs, i'll buy you food. just buy the fucking plane ticket already.
added on the 2007-11-17 05:28:41 by psenough psenough
xernobyl, take Niels up on his offer!
added on the 2007-11-17 14:38:00 by okkie okkie
That was not what I meant. I wasn't talking about me.
Anyway I'll buy the plane tickets as soon as I get paid, and I'll get paid as soon as I finish coding this thing I'm suposed to be coding now.
added on the 2007-11-17 15:59:49 by xernobyl xernobyl
like if _any_ scener would end up starving due to lack of money in a place filled with sceners.
added on the 2007-11-17 16:42:19 by psenough psenough
i attended my first breakpoint with 0 euros - not the nicest way to do it but it was possible.
added on the 2007-11-17 16:54:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
I attended my first Mekka-Symposium with zero euros in my pocket. In fact nobody had any euros at all. :(
added on the 2007-11-17 17:01:03 by doomdoom doomdoom


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