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How your desk looks like?

category: general [glöplog]
Let's play!
This is my work place:
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I hope you all have cameras in with you in your phones or I don't fucking care where.
Let's waste some time ppl..
added on the 2007-10-29 13:47:11 by dissent dissent
i dont have a desk
i have a big screen in the lounge with a remote mouse and keyboard
and www.TeleMate.tv as my home page kewl wireless speakers
and a pcTV card for terrestrial etc
added on the 2007-10-29 14:09:08 by seel seel
is that toilet paper near the screen?
added on the 2007-10-29 14:13:56 by xernobyl xernobyl
the same + cables, cigs, midikeyboard, speakers and some crap...
MacBook Pro, monitor, keyboard, cables, papers, dishes, pens, guitar picks..
added on the 2007-10-29 14:27:09 by Preacher Preacher
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added on the 2007-10-29 14:33:12 by _-_-__ _-_-__
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Thats my playground ...
added on the 2007-10-29 14:33:27 by _H2o_ _H2o_
eh, nothing special - computer, nice clean desk, comfortable chair.
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added on the 2007-10-29 14:48:07 by Hyde Hyde
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added on the 2007-10-29 14:55:11 by dalezr dalezr
xernobyl: Yeah, because our boss is always using all from the toilet ;).
It's roll of blank stickers really.
added on the 2007-10-29 15:17:04 by dissent dissent
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Sorry for the mess...
added on the 2007-10-29 15:26:48 by scoutski scoutski
I have 4 PCs!!!

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added on the 2007-10-29 16:58:05 by Optimus Optimus
Dissent, what is that TP roll for? Spilled coffee?
It's roll of blank stickers
added on the 2007-10-29 17:08:06 by dissent dissent
added on the 2007-10-29 17:26:38 by oxb oxb
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added on the 2007-10-29 17:28:58 by keops keops
Yea, you have 4PCs and little something something!!!
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Sorry ;)
added on the 2007-10-29 17:34:26 by dissent dissent
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firedemo.exe got a bit out of hand :(
added on the 2007-10-29 17:36:20 by el mal el mal
a keyboard, a mouse, a laptop, an ashtray, some papers, a pen, a pencil, a dilbert poster on the wall.
added on the 2007-10-29 19:31:16 by rmeht rmeht
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Fucking ribbons, won't let me open my desk.
added on the 2007-10-29 20:24:22 by imbusy imbusy
my desk from teh futare

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added on the 2007-10-29 20:32:06 by avoozl avoozl
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added on the 2007-10-29 21:45:32 by willbe willbe
omfg! Can I buy your room?
added on the 2007-10-29 22:08:27 by dissent dissent
wiibe what's the deal with the CRT wall ? :D
added on the 2007-10-29 22:14:50 by Zest Zest


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