Back from South Korea
category: general [glöplog]
Plus, he's not that european - he's from that country that's in constant danger of tipping into the atlantic.
Oh, and game channels on TV rock! ;)
He is 22...c'mon, xernobyl is like 16 or something, he has no idea how the world really works yet :)

New Mindy likes the Germans. She thinks they have potential.
I hope you rode this train:

mic: Sadly, I did not ride the designer metro train set. We looked for it, but they don't advertise for it, so it was quite hard to find. And with 8+ different lines, over 600 stations and lots of other stuff to do, we never found it. :/
Is that the gay metro? :|
Is that the gay metro? :|
More like the rave metro. But they should've had a bunch of blacklights and strobes in the roof, and smoke machines. And Technoviking driving the train.
Rave is a lot CGA this days...
80s foreveryone..
If I was Korean I wish my name was da-men.
I've been seriously thinking about going to North Korea before their "great"nation collapses. It's just a bit out of my budget at the moment.
I doubt it would collapse anytime soon, just see China. Same bullshit, different puppets. It might "open" little bit, but there is still sitting giant puppetmaster pulling puppets strings...
In Korea, the japanese are hated quite like the germans are hated throughout europe.
Unlike us europeans they have quite a bit more festering hatred than that. I mean, these people cut off fingers to protest a japanese prime minister visiting a shrine honoring japanese soldier. I can't see us doing crazy shit like that.
anywho, looks like you did a fairly nice trip. In Seoul, consider a visit to the Insadong area, which is quite aggressively non-westernized (the few western stores there are next to invisible there). Stay in one of the ratty yogwans there for the true backpacker feeling ;)
Did you visit the Secret Garden? It's where one of the LN demo titles came from :)
Did you visit the Secret Garden? It's where one of the LN demo titles came from :)
That was before Kraftwerk. Now everyone loves Germany. Except, maybe, gamers.In Korea, the Japanese are hated quite like the Germans are hated throughout Europe.
I might just be too young, but the only negativity I have witnessed against germans from european nations has been parodies. Just like you make parodies of everything else.
Well, save for my grandad's sister's husband, but he's 80 anyway. And from Argentina originally.
Well, save for my grandad's sister's husband, but he's 80 anyway. And from Argentina originally.
In Seoul, consider a visit to the Insadong area, which is quite aggressively non-westernized
We did actually visit Insadong - twice.
We were told that it was a street mainly full of antiques shops, where one could buy unique items that would be almost impossible to obtain export permission for (they certainly treasure their national heritage, and are right to do so, I think), but sadly it looked like most of those shops had moved to different places in Seoul.
We did, however, look for a place to eat. We had heard of this restaurant with a funny name: "The moon bird only thinks of the moon".
We found it, eventually (nicely hidden, but very cozy), only to discover that it was a tea room and not really a restaurant. But yeah, Seoul is full of surprises. Definately going there again and not too far into the future, I might add.
Stay in one of the ratty yogwans there for the true backpacker feeling ;)
Sorry, but we stayed at luxurious hotels, which probably added to the positive side of this trip. The Novotel Ambassador in Busan is RIGHT at the best beach in Korea and it just rocks. The food, amazing. The views, amazing. The price? Dunno, had paid in advance and probably got a pretty big discount.
Did you visit the Secret Garden? It's where one of the LN demo titles came from :)
No, sadly, we had not THAT much time in Seoul. We did visit the Geongbukgung palace, though, so we were not that far away from the secret gardens. Maybe next time.