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Do moles have eyes?

category: general [glöplog]
Today someone told me that moles dont have eyes and that upsets me. When you see them in cartoons they do but they have to wear spectacles but they do have eyes. But the guy in this picture doesn't look like he does.

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Thats so sad. :o(

added on the 2003-06-11 01:46:10 by Tongue Tongue
They have very tiny eyes hidden behind fur. Most of their lives are spent underground.
That's good to hear about their eyes I mean. It's not so bad underground. it's cosy in their little dens with tunnels going from the bedroom to the lounge and stuff. And when they get bored they just dig another home and move the TV and furniture over. I wish my life was like that.
added on the 2003-06-11 02:08:47 by Tongue Tongue
Moles don't watch TV. They're hardcore internet geeks. Have been for centuries. (I've heard "mole porn" is quite popular.)
Moles are also lucky, they don't have to see their wives getting old and ugly. They only smell them.
added on the 2003-06-11 02:41:08 by analogue analogue
Moles code pretty good too, remember suspekt the moles?
added on the 2003-06-11 09:17:36 by psonice psonice
Wrong dudes... ;-)
Moles realls _don't_ have eyes...as they dig underground most of their time and don't need 'em...!
Nature thought 'why eyes?!'... ;-)
But their fur is _very_ sensitive so they can navigate at least as good as with good working eyes... ;-)
So they won't really miss 'em I'm sure...
added on the 2003-06-11 14:39:36 by Weasel Weasel
"the word mole tends to work very well as a buzzword, too."
added on the 2003-06-12 00:06:43 by shiva shiva
weasel, are you really sure? i remember to have learnt that moles in fact HAVE eyes, though with them they can recognize light and darkness...
added on the 2003-06-12 00:58:28 by dipswitch dipswitch
Weasel/Padua/Hit: I love how computer geeks such as yourself have no understanding of the natural world.

Taken from a university textbook:

Moles are related to shrews and are found throughout the Holarctic region. They are highly specialized for burrowing, with rudimentary eyes (sometimes covered with opaque skin) and no external ears, smooth fur, fused cervical vertebrae, massive pectoral girdle, including a procoracoid, and broad digging claws on the hands.
Thanks for the info and thanks for the research thom!

But I am now wondering what they might look like if they did have external ears. It would make their digging hard cos they would keep scraping them, but they would look totally cool.

I also wonder what frogs would look like with external ears, or perhaps a humanlike nose.
added on the 2003-06-12 02:13:31 by Tongue Tongue
ahh that was the thing! "no" ears! everyone knows that moles miss something, and noone knows exactly if it's the ears or eyes.
added on the 2003-06-12 02:26:05 by dipswitch dipswitch
like this perhaps?
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added on the 2003-06-12 02:26:06 by reed reed
Actually, moles have ears too, just not "external" ears. Same for frogs. 'Cept maybe Mr. Richards frog, which gives me the strange urge to play leap frog.

well, then my information I learned back in the days from either school or old tv-documentaries is/was wrong... :-/
I was pretty sure that they don't have _any_ eyes...

it's always nice to see that discussions need to get 'personal' all the time just because someone writes something with some little incorrectness in it...
As _you_ don't me and _I_ also don't know you personal...so WHAT could be the necessaty of such a behaviour then!?
So maybe you should ask yourself first _who_ is the real geek with no understanding here...!? ;-)
added on the 2003-06-12 13:21:29 by Weasel Weasel
man, cool frog...
added on the 2003-06-12 14:16:13 by analogue analogue
Note that this is no cartoon, but a photo. You clearly see the eyes (and glasses!)

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added on the 2003-06-12 14:24:05 by front243 front243
ehm, do you have brains?
added on the 2003-06-12 17:50:48 by asasel asasel
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added on the 2003-06-12 17:55:38 by gelis gelis
cool, mole traps!

"Figure 4. Mole traps (a) Victor® (harpoon), (b) Out O' Sight® (scissor-jaw), and (c) Nash® (choker loop)."
added on the 2003-06-12 19:08:04 by ie ie
Weasel/Padua/Hit: Jesus shit man, I was just being silly. It is a silly thread afterall. Now I don't want to know you personally. (Not that I ever did in the first place.)
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added on the 2003-06-12 19:26:41 by front243 front243

.suspect the moles.

added on the 2003-06-12 20:48:30 by dixan dixan
thom: well, it's always interesting to see how pathetic or better snobbish some people can get here without a reason...
Thanks for that prove...
You surely can be proud of it...and I bet you are!
Oh well...
added on the 2003-06-12 21:19:03 by Weasel Weasel
Now now, there's no need to argue. The moles wouldn't want this. As Socrates once said, "To boast one's knowledge of moles and to let it cause ill feeling among others is to overlook one's own faults".

added on the 2003-06-12 22:50:58 by Tongue Tongue


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