Danish crime minister competition 1971
category: general [glöplog]
... sorry ... was too tempting
Fuckings to the norweigan Olsen Banden.
Fuckings to the norweigan Olsen Banden.
Our actual french president Nicolas Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa :
![BB Image](http://www.encyclopedie-gratuite.fr/Definition/politique/images/nicolas-sarkozy.jpg)
He loves kissing G.W. Bush' ass !
![BB Image](http://www.encyclopedie-gratuite.fr/Definition/politique/images/nicolas-sarkozy.jpg)
He loves kissing G.W. Bush' ass !
![BB Image](http://www.lefigaro.fr/assets/photo/bush_%20afp_ngan-1.jpg)
He must have a very nice and shiny ass, why would there otherwise be so many top politicians that like to kiss it?
Hmm, by the way...do we call them politicians or politic artists on Pouët?
Hmm, by the way...do we call them politicians or politic artists on Pouët?
Egon Olsen is a reptilian. Look at his staring eyes, he's clearly about to shapeshift. Also only reptilians get roads named after them. What more proof do you need?
What about that suspicious looking lady in white in the last picture? I r scared.
Shuffling the letters in "Egon Olsen" yields suspicious word combinations such as "Ones leg on". We all know that some lizards can grow new limbs if they lose them.
Coincidence? I think not.
Coincidence? I think not.