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category: general [glöplog]
It's the water.
added on the 2007-09-28 20:13:10 by xernobyl xernobyl
added on the 2007-09-28 20:32:01 by Zest Zest
thanx, i found my long lost brother :D
added on the 2007-09-28 21:25:46 by Danzig Danzig
the water he drank, was BROWN SAUCE!!!!!1
added on the 2007-09-28 22:28:30 by forestcre forestcre
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added on the 2007-09-29 00:47:15 by xernobyl xernobyl
The girl didn't seem to notice though.
She didn't seem totally sober or else she had better things to do.
added on the 2007-09-29 02:39:38 by El Topo El Topo


(you know what I mean)
added on the 2007-09-29 02:43:00 by El Topo El Topo
TECHNOVIKING in "The Reign Of Fire"!!!

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added on the 2007-09-29 19:02:11 by gr9yfox gr9yfox
added on the 2007-09-29 19:03:47 by xernobyl xernobyl
still waiting for a tekno-leonidas footage.

this is tekno-leonidaaaaaaaaaas! \o/
added on the 2007-09-30 03:22:27 by soolta soolta
now we just need to replace the "chuck norris" in the chuck norris jokes with "technoviking".
added on the 2007-09-30 09:25:19 by linde linde
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added on the 2007-10-01 00:10:29 by xernobyl xernobyl
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added on the 2007-10-01 08:44:38 by dwarf dwarf
The girl didn't seem to notice though.

Not sure it's actually a girl, but who cares.
added on the 2007-10-01 11:21:20 by cruzer cruzer
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added on the 2007-10-01 11:30:37 by dalezr dalezr
Does anyone know the 1st track that's playing? Sounds cool.
lol :D
added on the 2007-10-24 20:06:06 by xernobyl xernobyl
Well, I think he is cool.
Would be better in a party/club than in the street, but still ;)
added on the 2007-10-24 22:50:23 by Dbug Dbug
I would like to see him vjing (looks like viking on a first look :D) a deepness in the sky...
added on the 2007-10-24 23:22:39 by xernobyl xernobyl
The main character in Mercenaries 2 is technoviking!
Skip the age verification thing and just feel that godly presence!

Also, check some videos to see him in action. The storyline itself is fitting.
added on the 2008-04-10 04:04:35 by gr9yfox gr9yfox


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