.kkapture 0.01 - demo capturing made easy (hopefully)
category: code [glöplog]
Replay - Fall equals winter has the same problems as "Voidspace".
Traction - Ante Dominum shuts down directly after creating the window. Fullscreen and windowed.
Mr. ryg to the rescue please... :)
Mr. ryg to the rescue please... :)
Might be my fault as well, there was a timer bug in the engine at some point. I could take a look..
I'd pay you with a video if you do... ;)
Oh well, and I finally managed to get something right: ASD - Edge of forever works. Make sure to check "fairlight hack" though. funny coincedence :)
i just wanted to thank you that kkapture is great, it still doesn't work with all the demos, but wth, still great job.
i've got one feature request: what about adding "shut down after kkapturing" checkbox? when i use camstudio losless codec at quality 9 (this one is great btw, i recommend it for losless encoding), it takes like 3 hours hours to encode a long demo. still, it's not enough to let my computer running all the time when i'm in my job. so - i would find this one useful =)
i've got one feature request: what about adding "shut down after kkapturing" checkbox? when i use camstudio losless codec at quality 9 (this one is great btw, i recommend it for losless encoding), it takes like 3 hours hours to encode a long demo. still, it's not enough to let my computer running all the time when i'm in my job. so - i would find this one useful =)
Lunix - Leitmotiv always shows an DirectDraw error when kkapturing it "CreatePrimarySurface failed."
though the kkapture log states "video: DirectDrawCreateEx successful"
I'm with nula. A shutdown after kkapturiing would be cool when using lossless codecs that take ages to encode.
sorry for the long times between versions, guys, but i've got several weeks worth of high priority work on my todo list, so i just don't have the time to do any work on my sparetime projects (be it kkapture, kkrunchy or batchslap).
I'll keep posting my (successful and) failed captures here so you can check what's wrong when you find time. If I can get the source to compile I'll go and check some stuff myself... If I have the time ;)
When capturing some demos (Heaven7) with kkapture the demo closes the window, but still executes and kkapture terminates the hooking thread (so CTRL-BREAK is NOT working). The video won't be correctly written, 'cause kkapture can't properly close the file. You'll need to kill the demo process with the task manager...
If this happens with a file that has multiple parts, you won't be able to concat the files, because of the missing AVI/RIFF header in the last file. The good thing is that you can fire up your favorite hex-editor and copy the AVI/RIFF header (Offset 0, Lenght 2048 Bytes), from a working file you captured, to the non-working one. When you open it with Virtualdub then, it'll complain (set the errormode to "conceal") but you might be able to process the video.
If this happens with a file that has multiple parts, you won't be able to concat the files, because of the missing AVI/RIFF header in the last file. The good thing is that you can fire up your favorite hex-editor and copy the AVI/RIFF header (Offset 0, Lenght 2048 Bytes), from a working file you captured, to the non-working one. When you open it with Virtualdub then, it'll complain (set the errormode to "conceal") but you might be able to process the video.
okay, finally, my priority todo got short enough to throw in a day working on kkapture. version 0.07 available at the usual place.
check the changelog on the page (and yeah, power down after recording is in). status for reported bugs:
now working:
still problematic:
some responses/messages to coders :):
i plan to release v0.08 (with some rudimentary code to make better use of multicore machines, even with singlethreaded codecs) this year, but really, that's just a plan, not a promise.
in case there are any significant regressions (as it so often seems to be the case :), i'll do a version 0.07b soon. and, as usual, please post suggestions/bug reports here, i do read them and i'll do my best to continue batch-processing them every once in a while.
check the changelog on the page (and yeah, power down after recording is in). status for reported bugs:
now working:
- planet loop (use auto skip)
- candystall/pittsburgh stallers+loonies
- death in vegas/calodox (already worked with sound when i checked, not sure whether i fixed something or the problem was system-specific)
- moral hard candy/blasphemy (use auto skip)
- ante dominum/traction
still problematic:
- nonstop ibiza experience: crashes somewhere deep in rendering code with no obvious relation to anything kkapture does, pretty hard to trace for me right now. anyone got a current mail addy of hoplite or dune?
- voidspace: seems like it only uses directdraw to switch video mode, then renders with gdi (via CreateDIBSection/BitBlt). that kind of rendering is pretty hard to capture, since unlike ddraw/d3d/ogl stuff, it's also used internally for windows controls etc.
- abcdemo: similarly, seems to use gdi for rendering. i'll try to figure out how to do this properly if a few more demos that need this crop up, but (especially with the extremely limited amount of time i'm able to spend on kkapture) i'm not going to write a completely separate grabbing codepath for just two demos.
- plastik: yep, crashes in the tunnel scene for me too, but that's even without kkapture running, so i don't see how to fix it.
- sprite-o-mat: gopher, you seem to start playing *two* secondary buffers. kkapture doesn't have an internal mixer, so it only records from one buffer (and that's also the only buffer where time actually advances). it uses the last buffer you called Play() on, so well, just call Play() last on the buffer that you're actually filling and you should be fine.
some responses/messages to coders :):
- to packman/pittsburgh stallers: check the headers again - MMTIME is a union, not a struct, and sizeof(MMTIME) is 12, not 32 :) - anyway, kkapture's got a workaround now.
- to preacher: different bug in the timer code this time :) - you first initialize startTime to 0 in Timer::start, then later do something like "startTime = timeGetTime()" even though you use QueryPerformanceCounter (i.e. HRT is true). this was a complete bitch to find, and i probably wouldn't have figure out if you hadn't released the source (even though the released source doesn't contain that particular piece of code, it at least has the variable definitions ;), but i've got a working fix now.
i plan to release v0.08 (with some rudimentary code to make better use of multicore machines, even with singlethreaded codecs) this year, but really, that's just a plan, not a promise.
in case there are any significant regressions (as it so often seems to be the case :), i'll do a version 0.07b soon. and, as usual, please post suggestions/bug reports here, i do read them and i'll do my best to continue batch-processing them every once in a while.
Thanks. I'll go spank Vulture now :)
this is like "democoder summer camp" :)
ryg: Thanks for making kkapture tbc, loonies and pittsburgh stallers compatible :). I believe this particular piece of code dates all the way back to benitoite. Funny coincidence that the size of the MMTIME structure sum up to 32 bytes when interpreted as a struct. The real motivation for setting it to this size is that windows won't care as long as it is large enough to contain the members it wants to read and that 32 happens to be a popular immediate byte value in the startup code, as it also works serves as sizeof(WAVEHDR) and D3D_SDK_VERSION :).
and *bump* again (note to self: need a better announcement mechanism)
yeah... its quite sad that random hitler thread is way more popular than this one :/
and what about "shut down pc after kkapture" feature, would you find it useful?
and what about "shut down pc after kkapture" feature, would you find it useful?
nula, read the changelog, it's already in :)
Yeah, ryg. Cool! I'm gonna test it on sunday...
Scamp probably needs to free some more space on the untergrund servers now! ;)
Scamp probably needs to free some more space on the untergrund servers now! ;)
always happy to see a new kkapture version...
sorry about the long time between releases. then again, kkapture is now at a point where the majority of win32 demos (the ones i test, anyway :) just works, and the remaining problems get both weirder and harder to fix.
i'll probably bump the version number up to 1.0 within the next two releases - with the amount of testing kkapture has had by now, i guess it's more stable than most projects are at their 1.0 release. it's certainly not so alpha anymore that it really deserves the 0.0x version numbers it currently has :)
i'll probably bump the version number up to 1.0 within the next two releases - with the amount of testing kkapture has had by now, i guess it's more stable than most projects are at their 1.0 release. it's certainly not so alpha anymore that it really deserves the 0.0x version numbers it currently has :)
Planet Loop still not compatable.. atleast when I tried..
magic, turn on automatic frameskip. (it's in the announcement post, learn to read).