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scene music stolen

category: music [glöplog]
[quote=\"Xtense\"]So yeah, I love being a whistleblower, and since at least one person involved cannot speak english properly, I\'ll be nice enough to translate what is currently going on about at modules.pl:

Case #34789562348756248756: DaXX&AM-FM vs MichU @ #milkytracker:

This is MichU\'s Short Chippie #1 made 22.08.2007.
This is DaXX&AM-FM\'s Stupid Beeps, made 26.08.2007.

If you kindly would like to enter your favorite tracker, and compare pattern #0 in MichU\'s tune and pattern #1 in DaXX\'s & AM-FM\'s tune, you\'d notice that the entire composition of the arp, effects and their values included are copypasted.

Coincidence? I think not.

Thank you for listening. And yeah, MichU retains his law to say \"lame\" in their presence. ;)[/quote]

Any news here? New rips from TheRavebusters daXX and am-fm?

TheRavebusters deleted MichU from their News/Memberlist today!

Now it looks like he never joined TheRavebusters.

29.09.2007 - New Members joined ! Welcome to:

clueless from italy - 8Bit Graphican
eye from germany - coder & 3d graphican

Lets have a nice time guys ! :-)[/quote]
added on the 2007-10-06 20:29:06 by 8888 8888
lets remember: daXX is a ripper and a lamer :D
added on the 2007-10-06 23:06:24 by beezel beezel
can you people grow up a bit ?

we all together are brothers with a common enemy, he's called TIMBALAND!
added on the 2007-10-06 23:11:23 by Zest Zest
[daXX]: am-fm ?
[daXX]: ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/daxx/michu/shortchip1.mod
am-fm_der_echte: hm?
[daXX]: woher kenn ich das ?
am-fm_der_echte: mom mal listen
am-fm_der_echte: ja untergrund.net is lahme sau
am-fm_der_echte: ja wtf?
[daXX]: ich kenn die melodie von irgendeinem aus deinen chiptunes
am-fm_der_echte: oida
am-fm_der_echte: das is meine tune
am-fm_der_echte: !!!!!
am-fm_der_echte: vom s!p intro gears
am-fm_der_echte: was klaut die polensau meine tune?

just to inform you right in this here.
added on the 2007-10-08 02:07:12 by .. ..
Yes, because IRC logs are totally proof of anything.
added on the 2007-10-08 09:21:13 by Xtense Xtense
Timestamps from both files would clear this right up, just so you know. :)
added on the 2007-10-08 09:24:21 by Xtense Xtense
I wish we could close threads on pouet :(
added on the 2007-10-08 09:36:41 by okkie okkie
So it seems the DaXX&AM-FM vs. MichU case got cleared up a bit (and my timing earlier was never better ;) ), DaXX came today to modules.pl and apologized for this whole bummer, noting that it was am-fm who first gave the offending part to DaXX to let him finish it. He also said that he'll contact the group (S!P) which used their tune in their Gears intro and credit MichU for the melody. To sum it up: DaXX is an ok-guy, who just got caught in the middle, AM-FM is the lamer, and MichU doesn't have any hard feelings anymore, since his work will be credited. Well... Case closed, i think.


added on the 2007-10-08 13:24:42 by Xtense Xtense
my point.
both tunes are chiptunes.
haha :D
added on the 2007-10-08 13:45:33 by okkie okkie
Speaking as the coder of the gears intro, I am so sorry about this, I used the tune thinking that it was an original composition. I will of course change the credits in my intro to reflect this.

Please accept my apologies MichU, I was given the tune in good faith, I had no way of knowing that it had been ripped off. :-\

added on the 2007-10-08 21:31:08 by Shockwave Shockwave
Btw, DaXX has been in touch with me to bring this to my attention today and is the reason I found out about this theft.
added on the 2007-10-08 21:36:01 by Shockwave Shockwave
I have a stupid question. :D Till today I don't know if it's a rumour or not. In the very fist steps I did in coding I was at skool with a guy who called himself "Wes Craven". He showed me a lot of coding in ASM on AMIGA and also did his own songs for intros/games... The biggest surprise for me is, there are some very well known songs I thought he made, that are released by others.

These are examples of the known songs:
mod.sleepwalk - Karsten Obarski (Thought that was the first song Wes Craven ever did for his mom.)
sid.egnigma gun - Romeo Knight (Thought this is a song Wes Craven did for his game. Blade Warrior that never was released on AMIGA. A jump and run game with rasterbackround completely coded with a shadow foreground.)
I have seen those for real.

watch the rest of his songs here: http://risky.de/indexed/msx/Wes%20Craven/1986%20-%201993%20mod,%20sid%20(AMIGA)/

I don't want to offend enybody, I only want to know the real truth about it, as I never have any contact to Wes Craven. For sure I can say nearly everything he did (code/music) was ripped from his machine and he quitted scene very early because of that.
added on the 2007-10-09 12:23:36 by seρρjο seρρjο
seppjo: in what way was everything he did ripped? were his disks stolen at party or something?

To me it all sounds like the classic scenario of a local nobody trying to impress his friends by claiming he did all the stuff he showed them.
added on the 2007-10-09 13:34:58 by britelite britelite
My first track was a rip-off, too. I took a tune by Walkman and totally ripped all samples and parts of the bass-line.

Now 17 years later, that finally had to be said. Phew, I feel relieved.
added on the 2007-10-09 13:44:50 by chromag chromag
seppjo: how come he never released anything?
added on the 2007-10-09 13:47:59 by StingRay StingRay
as he coded together with me, in those times there were not this much freaks, he really impressed me. We did some little AMIGA against ST competition and the fact that an AMIGA is much better than an ST hardwarewise was highly visible. Can't imagine he faked it codewise.
Disks were copied in his room.

as on 680xx tommys hardisk and ripguys complete computer were stolen I was some kind as always accompanied by this when AMIGA freaks were in reach. So please don't tell me bull. Most times this happened to musicians that were friends of mine. (For me it's just a strange phenomen that confuses me) It happened more than 1 time. We've always found a good solution for things like this!
added on the 2007-10-09 13:57:03 by seρρjο seρρjο
he was angry as hell. Sometimes I thought he will kill somebody because of this. Before he stopped coding nobody was allowed to touch his computer. If somebody did that anyway it was followed by an attack of him. :D Was some kind of funny.
added on the 2007-10-09 13:59:38 by seρρjο seρρjο
seppjo: I don't think you got what I wrote there.
added on the 2007-10-09 14:00:32 by chromag chromag
Now, I think I have it. :D Was just wondering as it seemed very ironic. peace.
added on the 2007-10-09 14:03:11 by seρρjο seρρjο
seppjo: how about replacing angry with lame? :D
added on the 2007-10-09 14:04:59 by StingRay StingRay
seppjo: seems like you didn't get my question either. you said his stuff got ripped, so how did this happen? who stole his stuff and where? i mean, how did his stuff got spread if he himself didn't release it?
added on the 2007-10-09 14:12:39 by britelite britelite
:D don't think he was. Perhaps I am the lamer. ;)
added on the 2007-10-09 14:13:50 by seρρjο seρρjο
Disks of unfinished stuff were copied in his room by some more or less good friends.
added on the 2007-10-09 14:15:20 by seρρjο seρρjο
well, I still suspect that he just tried to pass some ripped tunes off as his own alongside his own tunes. nothing new there, happened a lot back then :)
added on the 2007-10-09 14:23:59 by britelite britelite


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