Unrandom scene graphics
category: general [glöplog]
Bloody hell shane, well said.
what is a reference - what is a copy.
ofcourse: you can have a glorious gfx from a copy. maybe it is even a great pixel art. But where the fuck is your own spirit - your own idea in this. ? What about thinking up a own scene - pose - colors - textures? that is a work , too..
Use copies to improve your style but to say its your own work ? lets face it: it is bulllshit! If that is enough for someone, well keep up with that :P.
same old story: copy - no copy :( don´t make sense anymore. in this aspect it seems to me - scene is indeed to "oldschool". No problem to copy something from a painting or foto, but be aware if someone uses a tune for a tune with Nelly Furtado ? Well - seems to me like a double moral standart...
How many copies of kenet´s logos do we see out there? and even a lot bad ones :P hey: no risc - no fun ;) Seems like :"that style of has worked for them - it is nice for us,too." to me.
History Issues aside - yea I thought it was cool as I saw the first scanned gfx on a computer - but that was back in the 80ties !
ps: masochist are doing gfx for demoscene - seems like I have to count me in in that ;)
ofcourse: you can have a glorious gfx from a copy. maybe it is even a great pixel art. But where the fuck is your own spirit - your own idea in this. ? What about thinking up a own scene - pose - colors - textures? that is a work , too..
Use copies to improve your style but to say its your own work ? lets face it: it is bulllshit! If that is enough for someone, well keep up with that :P.
same old story: copy - no copy :( don´t make sense anymore. in this aspect it seems to me - scene is indeed to "oldschool". No problem to copy something from a painting or foto, but be aware if someone uses a tune for a tune with Nelly Furtado ? Well - seems to me like a double moral standart...
How many copies of kenet´s logos do we see out there? and even a lot bad ones :P hey: no risc - no fun ;) Seems like :"that style of has worked for them - it is nice for us,too." to me.
History Issues aside - yea I thought it was cool as I saw the first scanned gfx on a computer - but that was back in the 80ties !
ps: masochist are doing gfx for demoscene - seems like I have to count me in in that ;)
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What is better, FastTracker 2 or Impulse Tracker!
i'd rather show crappy painting which is 100% me than copied picture from refence ... :)
so every topic about scene gfx shane aka wade starts crying about "bohoo people are not masturbating enough with dp2 and mouse and refence" and it turns same always so no need. just show your pictures boyz! for shane pixel masturbation needs there is http://www.pixeljoint.com so head there and you can masturbate on pixels there. but i like pixels, heh i do sometimes pixel masturbations and i think shane if he is smart enough can found my old pixel there ;)
Unseen: Stop trolling. Since you are usually on the moral high ground when it comes to that you should be a good example.
P.s.: I am shockwave.
P.s.: I am shockwave.
Mastubate on my pixels! :P

graga: ever heard of "perspective" ?

Unseen: You lost this argument when you failed to back up your statements. And no one's crying here, me nor wade nor any of my other personas...I'm defending not just graphics, but a spirit/attitude that represents the demoscene.
I wrote something very similar in this thread a while ago defending all demo makers and I think it applies here too.
I wrote something very similar in this thread a while ago defending all demo makers and I think it applies here too.
Why compete in the olympics?
Why paint still life when we have cameras?
Why play a musical instrument when we have synthesizers?
Why climb mountains?
Whats the point in any kind of competition?
What's the point in poetry?
Why swim the channel when you can take a ferry?
What's the point in spelling, mathematic, memory or other mental competitions?
Basically, it's about the challenge and testing human abilities. People do these things to challenge themselves and compete with other people. It's like any art form, craft or talent. The purpose is in its creation.
They don't have to show off technical possibilities to be impressive when they show off the talents of the demo team. Anyone who says that demos like Lifeforce aren't impressive need to try creating one themselves!
PS. Well, you're random noise masterpieces are more about sadism than masochism!
Shane (Wade?), there's a difference between creative art and perfecting a technique. Neither is really more pointless than the other, but they're not the same thing. I think it's more or less precisely similar to the difference between composing and performing music.
Anyway, time to fish for more compliments:

Brand new and original, albeit an early sketch. Don't think I'll finish it though.
Anyway, time to fish for more compliments:

Brand new and original, albeit an early sketch. Don't think I'll finish it though.
keops in photoshop? :P
Graga: sure, why not?
Filter->Vanishing point
Filter->Vanishing point
Thanks \o/
shane: only a couple of them..
texel: i really like your stuff...
i'd rather show crappy painting which is 100% me than copied picture from refence ... :)
just show something. anything. preferably impressive. that is... if you can.
texel: I love mondrian patterns :D
havoc "the original creator"

sorry it was really low blow.. even filename gave me hint, but still, LULZ :)

sorry it was really low blow.. even filename gave me hint, but still, LULZ :)
unseen: is your name Sherlock by any chance? You're an incredibly perceptive person!!!
unseen: thank you for posting my entry for the 160*100 4colour compo! to be honest, i'm not quite sure what you mean by "low blow", but who cares anyway :) btw, you still haven't shown any of your own work... i wonder why...
go on unseen, lets see your original works.
Goddamn Unseen, you are a nice chap but you fucking suck at trolling.