Tim Moss gone mad?
category: general [glöplog]
who is tim moss? why is he important to demo scene? and why is he important to the game?
rasmus: considering Moredhel never made any sense (and never coded anything either), I guess it's pointless to try and understand his drunk bum gibberish :)

Coding for work is .. meep. You better get a higher position quickly or stay out of that area.
yeah in a higher position you're conferencing all day long! weeeheee! (not.)
If you atari coders think about how to code, then check some Zappy's and learn.
Its funny how Zappy did it. He came middle of nowhere, did some mad fast 3D and went away.
moredhel: Zappy has done plenty of marvelous screens, but I doubt there is much to be learned from his 3d-routines (other than repeating to yourself the importance of Tim Moss' old CLF-technique to demo coding), precalculated triangle animations is not that interesting from a coders piont of view. ;)
havoc: You also acquire other skills, for example producing powerpoint slides quicker than you can show them.
Shrimp: Zappys precalced vectors still amaze me. Smooth as a babys butt.
Faster than any 3D routine made on ST(overscan).
Thats why i need Zappy back, to bring some life to ST(e) scene.
Im tired to see 5fps textured cubes.
Faster than any 3D routine made on ST(overscan).
Thats why i need Zappy back, to bring some life to ST(e) scene.
Im tired to see 5fps textured cubes.
mmoredhel en oo waremies just so you know :)
How about Derealizaition demo by DHS?
Kalms (old) 3d engine ported to falcon.
And now some ppl thinks that Evil coded that "engine"
Gimme a break and one beer.
Kalms (old) 3d engine ported to falcon.
And now some ppl thinks that Evil coded that "engine"
Gimme a break and one beer.
Kalms (old) 3d engine ported to falcon.
Give us proof or stfu
is it the same zappy as in "Bomb!" ? (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=82)
proof? Open your eyes, please.
Compare demos coded by Evil before and after.
Get the picture?
proof? Open your eyes, please.
Compare demos coded by Evil before and after.
Get the picture?
yeah i must agree with moretadelle, please stop 5 fps textured cubes and make it bounce !!! make it smooth as baby butts and save teh atari scene !!!
atari ?
earx, it's the same zappy afaik.
moredhel: yep I get the picture, you are insane.
moredhel: yep I get the picture, you are insane.
Zappy's name (Pierre Terdiman) isn't listed in the credits (manual) for Bioshock!
of coz you cant admit it, because ur friend of Evil
im not a coder, but i can drink one beer in one vbl. But can u code 3d vectors as smooth as Zappy did (japtro). Of course not. 5fps torus.
of coz you cant admit it, because ur friend of Evil
im not a coder, but i can drink one beer in one vbl. But can u code 3d vectors as smooth as Zappy did (japtro). Of course not. 5fps torus.
the ignoring strategy isnt bad, really
How about Derealizaition demo by DHS?
Kalms (old) 3d engine ported to falcon.
And now some ppl thinks that Evil coded that "engine"
Gimme a break and one beer.
Didn't they teach you how to read? Or did you lose this ability due to your beer consume? Kalms himself pointed out he had nothing to do with that engine. Here is an excerpt of what he wrote in the Derealization thread:
moredhel: The 3D engine which Evil and Gizmo have written has nothing to do with the one which I and Rubberduck have written.
So indeed, you are insane. :D
>Now, there's another mad ST coder, Zappy/Holocaust. He must be involved with Bioshock engine.
No, I am not...
>bioshock 3D engine is Unreal engine 3...
...unless they're using UE3. I'm kind of involved in the UE3 physics engine, so they might end up using some of my code.
>I cant fucking understand how good coder Zappy is, and he does not use his talent.
I think I do :) ...at least I try.
>Being a good coder on Atari or Amiga or C64 doesn't necessarily imply a person being talented in any real life skill, including programming games.
That's definitely true. And that's exactly why moving on was a good move, to compete against the rest of the world, not against the rest of the Atari scene... :)
>I got Zappy on the phone,
Errr... No, you didn't :)
>coding sucks anyway, i only do coding because i like demos, would never do it for work (have done it though) ,it's to damn boring really ;D
Naaah, that's one of those bottomless domains where you can spend your life doing new things all the time. Bored with demos? Try games. Computer graphics. Physics. AI. Gameplay. Whatever. No end in sight.
>Gimme Zappy's mobile number and i'll call him how bad Atari ST situation is.
Feel free to send emails instead. I know about the ST situation, but I don't intend to do anything about it, sorry :)
>who is tim moss? why is he important to demo scene? and why is he important to the game?
Tim Moss = Manikin from The Lost Boys. He was the technical director for GoW.
>Zappy has done plenty of marvelous screens, but I doubt there is much to be learned from his 3d-routines (other than repeating to yourself the importance of Tim Moss' old CLF-technique to demo coding), precalculated triangle animations is not that interesting from a coders piont of view. ;)
Well, it gives birth to other challenges like storing all the data in a limited amount of memory. I agree that non-precomputed is better, but I never really saw the point for *non-interactive* demos. If it's non interactive and I can save CPU time by precomputing stuff, sure I'll do it. We had a big "whatever it takes" attitude at the time, sacrificing everything for speed. We were alone in our little world and we didn't really care about anything else. I would have a lot of stories about this...
Anyway, IIRC the 3d-routines themselves were pretty ok, even without precomputing. We just prefered making them faster by adding some precomputation on top of them :)
>Thats why i need Zappy back, to bring some life to ST(e) scene.
Not gonna happen. I have a "TODO list" of stuff to try on PC, it's like 2000 lines of text, one thing-to-try per line. So, no time, sorry :)
>is it the same zappy as in "Bomb!"
- Pierre
No, I am not...
>bioshock 3D engine is Unreal engine 3...
...unless they're using UE3. I'm kind of involved in the UE3 physics engine, so they might end up using some of my code.
>I cant fucking understand how good coder Zappy is, and he does not use his talent.
I think I do :) ...at least I try.
>Being a good coder on Atari or Amiga or C64 doesn't necessarily imply a person being talented in any real life skill, including programming games.
That's definitely true. And that's exactly why moving on was a good move, to compete against the rest of the world, not against the rest of the Atari scene... :)
>I got Zappy on the phone,
Errr... No, you didn't :)
>coding sucks anyway, i only do coding because i like demos, would never do it for work (have done it though) ,it's to damn boring really ;D
Naaah, that's one of those bottomless domains where you can spend your life doing new things all the time. Bored with demos? Try games. Computer graphics. Physics. AI. Gameplay. Whatever. No end in sight.
>Gimme Zappy's mobile number and i'll call him how bad Atari ST situation is.
Feel free to send emails instead. I know about the ST situation, but I don't intend to do anything about it, sorry :)
>who is tim moss? why is he important to demo scene? and why is he important to the game?
Tim Moss = Manikin from The Lost Boys. He was the technical director for GoW.
>Zappy has done plenty of marvelous screens, but I doubt there is much to be learned from his 3d-routines (other than repeating to yourself the importance of Tim Moss' old CLF-technique to demo coding), precalculated triangle animations is not that interesting from a coders piont of view. ;)
Well, it gives birth to other challenges like storing all the data in a limited amount of memory. I agree that non-precomputed is better, but I never really saw the point for *non-interactive* demos. If it's non interactive and I can save CPU time by precomputing stuff, sure I'll do it. We had a big "whatever it takes" attitude at the time, sacrificing everything for speed. We were alone in our little world and we didn't really care about anything else. I would have a lot of stories about this...
Anyway, IIRC the 3d-routines themselves were pretty ok, even without precomputing. We just prefered making them faster by adding some precomputation on top of them :)
>Thats why i need Zappy back, to bring some life to ST(e) scene.
Not gonna happen. I have a "TODO list" of stuff to try on PC, it's like 2000 lines of text, one thing-to-try per line. So, no time, sorry :)
>is it the same zappy as in "Bomb!"
- Pierre
Ahahaha. Dunno if you're fake or not, but in case somebody actually managed to lure you here, glad to hear from you again Pierre :)
How come I have the feeling that Evil/DHS might have sent you a mail? :)
How come I have the feeling that Evil/DHS might have sent you a mail? :)
\:D/ for Pierre
Zappy: the Zaptro intro still manages to cheer me up btw ;)