Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
this is lianne s her baby
people people. Please. it's just a shock-image made by trolls. There are more. There is even another cat killed under shoe. Is it sick? Yes! It is real? No.
Even if you just fake the death of af kitten killed in any way while filming it, you are just as sick in your head as if you did do it. eod.
@dila .. wanker, pure wanker..
besides if you put in screens from a film where exactly the same is done to a small african starving child, you would also get the same responses, although i doubt you would get as many cause you are used to see people and children getting killed in movies, tvshows etc. and therefore probably cant see the difference between fake and real. People arent used to see kittens get killed in the most distusting ways and therefore the reaction is much more powerfull.
<3 kitn
deyth to psychopaths
deyth to psychopaths
Pickle surprise!
Every time you make a bullshit thread on Pouet, Varou kills the kitten, now !
Discussing moral issues about the pictureserie with the burned kitten and the film with the kitten who gets its head smashed by a womans stilettshoes is so fucking 1998. FFS.
Most impressed:
Ironically, that "doing x is so current_year-y" phrase is getting really old.
And Razor is so fucking 1911.
This post contains no pictures.
And Razor is so fucking 1911.
This post contains no pictures.
ahahaHa bullz eye
Is it sick? Yes! It is real? No.
Ehr, numtek, urbandictionary.com is about slang terms and has nothing to do with urban myths.
alienus, gehts scheissn ..
Ah fuck it. I'm done with this thread!
Thanks for ruining a great idea! Pricks!
Thanks for ruining a great idea! Pricks!
Nice strip Alienus!