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scene music stolen

category: music [glöplog]
always a thief?
added on the 2007-09-03 08:20:17 by uns3en_ uns3en_
indeed! zero tolerance for thieves and traitors (right, okkie?)
added on the 2007-09-03 10:57:23 by Shifter Shifter
Timbaland is getting sued for doing a Timbaland...
But not by GRG this time, Saregama India beat GRG to the headlines. =)
added on the 2007-09-04 22:55:01 by Shrimp Shrimp
Dwarf: about the 8-bit ... if i had any knowledge about SID tracks and music i would more into the new 50 cent & timberlake track ... produced by timbaland as far as i know

Crystal Castles - Courtship Dating sounds like the source of the arpeggiated chords, though the sample could be licenced of course..etc. A blog on da interweb is the source of information, http://www.missingtoof.com/index.php?s=timbaland.
added on the 2007-09-04 23:51:07 by Shrimp Shrimp
Goddamn that sucked :D

It sounds kinda similar, but I'd say that's coincidence.
added on the 2007-09-04 23:56:16 by okkie okkie
shrimp: nice one.. it's more a case of watch how others "do it" , then take a nice short holiday to "Manhattan Federal Court" ;-)

but I wonder where that "she wants it" REALLY originates? unless the other band can knock up sid sounds?!?!

thing is there is so many great tunes on sid I could list, thats part of the problem =)

people would never build a house on dodgy foundations, so looks like its the same with a certain producer. the best comment of late I saw on the page of late is someone has become a fan of Janne's work, thats a positive thing.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe these bands make *new* sids? *gasp*

It's not like demosceners are the only people that can get squeeks out of that box.
added on the 2007-09-05 14:32:51 by okkie okkie

Heard this today... they are stealing our geekness from a to z :/
Another lawsuite against Timbaland over copyright infringement has been filed.
Not a good month for him I guess.

Osama Admed Fahmy says he owns the copyright to the song "Khosara, Khosara," which he alleges was sampled in Jay-Z’s 1999 hit “Big Pimpin’,” produced by Timbaland.
added on the 2007-09-06 01:53:06 by Shrimp Shrimp
That man is on FIRE! o_O
added on the 2007-09-06 01:56:18 by xernobyl xernobyl
At least I hope he's on fire.
added on the 2007-09-06 13:08:53 by ghandy ghandy
That 'Big Pimpin' thing has been known for ages and I think it has been settled already.
added on the 2007-09-06 13:35:48 by okkie okkie
I have a certain theory on the reason why Timbaland got hold of sids.
The newest single of Britney Spears (the fat redneck biotch yes) called "Cold as fire" is produced by the so-called protogé of timbaland.

The track is produced by Nate “Danja” Hills, the Timbaland protégé who worked on Justin Timberlake’s FutureSex/LoveSounds.

Click on the playbutton.
That bassthingie. Tempest/sid all the way. Maybe that explains the timbaland sid-experience?
added on the 2007-09-08 03:03:19 by cerror cerror
Last thing I heard is that Danja and Timbo parted ways and not in the friendliest fashion.
added on the 2007-09-08 14:01:59 by okkie okkie
Last thing I heard is that Danja and Timbo parted ways and not in the friendliest fashion.

What....with super-atomic wedgies and all?
cerror : the song actually reminds me of thing on a spring by rob hubbard for some odd reason.. due to the blips, but its not.

that bassline is pretty generic, could be a 64/could be a synth. If they are tricky enough to mask up others work so much, thats where the difficulty lays.. hopefully they are so arrogant they think they are above that and it makes it a lot easier.

okkie :
As for that other song, don't be vexed with me, I asked it as a question not a statement.

it don't suprise me. More people will come along, thats how it works, with some music ppl. Some people keep friends, others just treat em like games consoles n move on to the next gen.
It's just an old computer with a pretty peculiar soundchip, it's not Jesus shaped like a breadbox :)

I think it's actually quite cool the chip sound has gotten a bit of exposure in 2007, I mean, it could just as easily have been forgotten by now!

Of course I don't mean that everyone should just steal shit from HVSC :)

added on the 2007-09-10 20:29:30 by okkie okkie
added on the 2007-09-10 21:09:34 by tempest tempest
Damn. Everytime I'm zapping my tv it seems Timbaland is in all music videos!!! :O
That guy is everywhere!
added on the 2007-09-10 21:14:23 by xernobyl xernobyl
that lamer
added on the 2007-09-10 21:17:18 by tempest tempest
Funkings to lamers
added on the 2007-09-10 21:22:52 by Rebb Rebb
okkie: I was on about Danja, not so much the 64, such images are on toast (I saw it on my name is earl.. I always believe radio and tv ;-) except the "idiot" in the morning show ) ..

he was with him a LONG time? but with the music lark, so many people are false etc. only turn up when they want something for their tunes, i know it too well.

xern : chuck enough cash at something, always will be that way. They play the crap ,the same 10 catchy/forgettable songs, till people are brain washed. Play the same song back in 5 years, thats the test.

maybe it will start a revolt..I did see a positive comment about prefering the original,that was nice.

Timbaland me tuer
Ok, so the case is closed. Nice to hear, but... eh... talking about an anticlimax.
yeah, I know...

I'm transforming it into an audial adventure.
added on the 2007-09-11 10:58:19 by tempest tempest


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