c64 to give away in berlin
category: general [glöplog]
perhaps post on CSDB site =)
alas i don't live in germany or berlin or i'd have it =)
alas i don't live in germany or berlin or i'd have it =)
Geiles Teil, würd ich sofort nehmen, nur Berlin ist ein wenig weit weg ;)
Do you want to but it in a box and send it to me? I'll pay :D
update is still around. \o/
Oh, and the answer you are looking for is 'ebay'.
Oh, and the answer you are looking for is 'ebay'.
No it's not! it's "ship it to me that I'll pay the expenses"
come to the next berlin pub meeting and bring the stuff with you - I bet you will go home without all the stuff ;) and you can meet some nice people !
what most of the others said, box it and ship it, all expenses paid by the reciever (that would be me :P)
Keep it and put it on the rear window shelf of your car, next to your bobblehead-dachshund (Wackeldackel). The chicks will like it ;-)
Id the diskdrive still works it's worth its weight in gold.
el topo: really? I've got 3 1541's stacked away in my parents storage.
Okkie: and now you tell us, we could've organised an Outline diskdrive throwing compo :-)
I've found someone who might come pick it up. However, if this doesn't work out, I'll overcome my laziness and ship it as proposed by xernobyl and mind (first come first serve).
Btw, tomaes, ebay somehow implies that I get money for this, but I just want to find a new home for this machine, with minimal effort on my side :)
Btw, tomaes, ebay somehow implies that I get money for this, but I just want to find a new home for this machine, with minimal effort on my side :)
Yay! Thank you dude :D
I'll try at least to watch demos with it... if you don't give it to "someone" else. If you need my contact it's my nick @ hotmail or gmail... choose the one you like best.
how can you give away a c64.. :)
Shut up! He may give it to me!
The c64 has been picked up this morning. Xernobyl, should I get another one some day, I'll let you know.
Keep it and put it on the rear window shelf of your car, next to your bobblehead-dachshund (Wackeldackel).
best idea ever. also, that's about the most german idea ever.
next level: mod a c64 inside a wackeldackel.

Best Wackeldackel. Ever.
okkie wrote:
Well, you're a rich man. The number of 1541's sold is just a fraction of the number of C64's sold. The number of 1541's that don't have some kind of problem like allignment or other technical faults should be even smaller. This is not some research I've done, I'm just speculating, taking into account that my own 1541-copy doesn't work. "Worth gold" might be stretching it a bit but you get what I mean :)
el topo: really? I've got 3 1541's stacked away in my parents storage.
Well, you're a rich man. The number of 1541's sold is just a fraction of the number of C64's sold. The number of 1541's that don't have some kind of problem like allignment or other technical faults should be even smaller. This is not some research I've done, I'm just speculating, taking into account that my own 1541-copy doesn't work. "Worth gold" might be stretching it a bit but you get what I mean :)
worth its weight in gold
And what a weight it is!