Leipzig Demo Scenes :D
category: general [glöplog]
war jemand von euch dabei (21-7-07)?

are you a cop-fetishist ?
Actually you havent seen these people blocking the streets with these big trash containers!
Zest: perhaps. i haven't got better scenes unfortunately, because my digital camera was too slow for the moment when a line of police were running at us with batons drawn :)
Exin: was that last year? i heard that in previous years the nazis got as far as Augustus Platz etc. tbh i was hoping for something like that to photograph, and even so - the police were tracking each anti-nazi group with the helicopter and guys on foot so nobody really got a chance to block the nazi route.
Exin: was that last year? i heard that in previous years the nazis got as far as Augustus Platz etc. tbh i was hoping for something like that to photograph, and even so - the police were tracking each anti-nazi group with the helicopter and guys on foot so nobody really got a chance to block the nazi route.
In fact, they are only looking for trouble, even if there are no nazis at all, they look for confrontation with the police almost every day. They dont even get that they cause most of th trouble I know people living there and rather want to go back living wwith their parents because its every day the same...
They blocked the streets while people who were not involved into this didnt came through...And no nazis everywhere...
They blocked the streets while people who were not involved into this didnt came through...And no nazis everywhere...
leipzig - oststrasse 55 .. home sweet home
oh btw nazinumber n<30
That house in the last picture looks as if it is from the gdr.
Leipzig was in the DDR, not just that house ;)
gabi: yes, i think the count was 37 nazis. how many hundreds of police? tbh, i think most of the Freizeits-aktivisten who just came for a fight left within an hour. the guys i was with were fairly peaceful. we did a lot of running, but when it came down to it nobody questioned the police.
gabi, Exin pt II: i am here in leipzig for one more week, let me know if there's anywhere i should go or see! even better, tell me where you hang out and i'll come to say hi. i get the impression from that barbecue you advertised a while back that there are a lot of sceners in Leipzig.
gabi: yes, i think the count was 37 nazis. how many hundreds of police? tbh, i think most of the Freizeits-aktivisten who just came for a fight left within an hour. the guys i was with were fairly peaceful. we did a lot of running, but when it came down to it nobody questioned the police.
gabi, Exin pt II: i am here in leipzig for one more week, let me know if there's anywhere i should go or see! even better, tell me where you hang out and i'll come to say hi. i get the impression from that barbecue you advertised a while back that there are a lot of sceners in Leipzig.
so forestcre, are you a nazi then?
haha no way! i went along to try and get some photos, then ended up hanging out with the socialists because i'm a member back home.
nazi bikers must die!!
ah, alright. I was just wondering, since it wasn't really clear what side you were on :)
the side with pretty girls and bicycles, though not for those reasons specifically

just so you know ;D the guys with the fake nazi-flag (picture 7) are contra-nazi check it here!!! (article in german only, sorry) ... gtx to all leipzig sceneres :D
those were the guys i spent most of the day with.
"Was gibt der deutschen Jugend Kraft? Apfelsaft!"
You mean this:

You mean this:

is that something like a contrabass?
re those pictures...
i don't care about the nazi vs antinazi thing- just tell me- did lokomotive win or not?!
i don't care about the nazi vs antinazi thing- just tell me- did lokomotive win or not?!
Pah, amateurs.

Da UK goin Orwellian on yo ass. Or whatever. I live here you know. o_O

Da UK goin Orwellian on yo ass. Or whatever. I live here you know. o_O
yeah, i'm not looking forward to returning. guess i haven't been around london in a while then - is that poster part of a series?