what's your favorite free online game ?
category: general [glöplog]
i prefer carom3D ... i play it since 2002 :)
and what do you play ? :)
and what do you play ? :)
Hattrick TeamID 308246.

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at the moment, zchurk word building game.
If you want to waste all your sparetime, just play this tickbased game !!!!!
btw. Planetarion (pretty much the same as planetia) was the first browsergame ever, and it still roxx :)
If you want to waste all your sparetime, just play this tickbased game !!!!!
btw. Planetarion (pretty much the same as planetia) was the first browsergame ever, and it still roxx :)
The Great Giana Sisters!!!
Zoo Keeper. <3
Yeah, Zoo Keeper is teh b0mb. :)
how could i forget! jumping tanks man, doesn't get any better

how could i forget! jumping tanks man, doesn't get any better

Project Reality, a free realistic mod for Battlefield 2 :>
made by those kids :

made by those kids :

Zest - lol at the ones with SA80s. they've clearly never attempted to fire a live round in their lives, else they'd stay away from that shit. jam after jam after jam after jam.
bzflag is a blast, i had some fun in Albatross18. Only one i really play atm is an F1 game called GPRO
yey! another BZflag'er :)