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my localhost is bigger then yours

category: general [glöplog]
and my oldschool screenshots are less jpeg artifacted too!!!

added on the 2007-06-08 02:08:54 by psenough psenough
it's thAn yours actually
added on the 2007-06-08 02:09:57 by keops keops
:D I bow down, master of the localhosts =)
added on the 2007-06-08 02:10:03 by StingRay StingRay
you know keops you dont _have_ to hate all oldschool coders who ever lived :P you were doing such a nice job just hating all the french ones, why the sudden hatred against the rest of the world aswell? :P
added on the 2007-06-08 02:12:29 by psenough psenough
quick quick keops, he thumbed up his own groups prod here we dont even know if he's actually in extensors, but lets go flame for self-vote anyways!!!! :D
added on the 2007-06-08 02:13:57 by psenough psenough
better late than never: LOL
added on the 2007-07-09 21:17:15 by EviL EviL
added on the 2007-07-09 21:27:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
ps is smocking crack.
added on the 2007-07-09 21:32:25 by Rubicante Rubicante
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added on the 2007-07-09 21:33:00 by Rubicante Rubicante
so uh, if keops was deglopped for insulting people on the bbs, shouldnt people opening flamethreads should be too? :D
added on the 2007-07-09 21:54:06 by Gargaj Gargaj
"shouldnt people opening flamethreads be too", even
added on the 2007-07-09 21:55:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
there's a fine line between opening a flamethread and having your thread pouetized

also, whoever proposes to deglop for spelling mistakes gets my vote
added on the 2007-07-09 22:00:11 by havoc havoc
my local host has room for 1.5 TB of demos. his neighbour, the networked host, has room for 1.2 TB of demos.
added on the 2007-07-09 22:23:56 by gloom gloom
too bad both are for 90% crammed with porn
added on the 2007-07-09 22:25:57 by el mal el mal
Since the topic is not very clear, it comes from here:


Newcomer insulted badly, dragged in the mud and then hung tight.

That's who I am, I am a mean old man. And get off my lawn Okkie and Shifter! :)
added on the 2007-07-09 22:30:50 by keops keops
you cirurgically forgot to mention that your comment on the prod was posted minutes after stingray, me and yourself had already pointed out the issue on the oneliner.

but yes you're completly right keops, this whole affair is a personal conspiracy purely conjured, invented and perpetrated by me and my sick imagination alone, all due to purely personal issues with you, for always having asked for nothing, and just to undermine your rightful authority on pouet and the scene. i deeply apologise for my behavior. i can now assure you that i'll never remove your gloperator status ever again.
you do deserve the important right to fix all those badly captured jpeg artifacted atari screenshots, rename prod titles with the correct quote containing and size referencing way, vouch for the true and anti-comercial spirit of the scene, purvey the real newskool oldskool spirit.
i beg of you, please take your gloperator status back and show us all how to truly upkeep a reliable model of integrity and success. pouet needs a new top of the keops!
added on the 2007-07-09 23:15:18 by psenough psenough
or, we could all just get a life instead of spending our time insulting trolls and moderating troll insulting sessions on pouet. that could also work.
added on the 2007-07-09 23:17:32 by psenough psenough
PS: What do you care anyway? Why don't you mind people spamming with commercial stuff or posting sick pictures/links that are considered illegal in some countries, instead of annoying me when I tell spammers/trolls to fuck off? :)

About this gloperator thing, I don't really care, I can keep fixing stuff using somebody else's account or ask Analogue/Stil to set it back. I only hoped you would stop acting all personal since the very begining and avoided all that shit.

Yes I tell those people to fuck off on a regular basis but I fail to see how it impacts my work as a "fixer" because let's be honest, this is all what being gloperator is about, fixing shit (and not that "power" shit nonsense you ranted about on your blog).

The day Pouet has some kind of moderation like Bitfellas, you can ask me to calm down/watch my language or tell me I'm not a "good gloperator" but so far, it's not the case.
added on the 2007-07-09 23:27:13 by keops keops
i wonder who banned the valves clones and modded the illegal/sick photos on the random image thread.. must have been my twin brother while i was entertaining myself with picking on you yet again.

and if you dont really care why do you keep emailing and sending me personal insults in private about it? ah right, ofcourse, you were just thinking of my good interest. to inform me of unavoidable problems that im bringing on myself. i thank you for your concern.

maybe you should try the victim dance with analogue again? the last three times you whinned to him about how people aknowledge you act like an asshole on a random basis didnt quite seem to have been enough to persuade him to turn pouet into a true keops haven, but im sure that now with gargaj supporting your, obviously non existing, secret jewish plot you might be more in the right direction no?.. nudge nudge wink wink.. know what i mean? you got the right avatar and all, but shouldnt it be a secret conspiracy? ah damn, back to the drawing board.
added on the 2007-07-09 23:50:22 by psenough psenough
Dude, go see a shrink, you really have a problem :)
added on the 2007-07-10 00:10:54 by keops keops
std::cout << sizeof(localhost) << std::endl ;
added on the 2007-07-10 00:11:41 by rmeht rmeht
cant you two fix this as two grown men ffs?

ps: give keops his gloperator status back, afterall, he 'fixes' nicely. assume he learnt from all this and why dont you see if it'll work out nicely this time? there's still goodwill in this world!

keops: act like a nice gloperator, dont insult people when cause you stuff to 'fix' and at least take a hint from what ps said. he has some valid points and you bloody know that.

added on the 2007-07-10 00:33:21 by el mal el mal
And get off my lawn Okkie and Shifter! :)

Hobos drinking anti-freeze in an alleyway of Montreal have lawns?
added on the 2007-07-10 00:49:07 by Shifter Shifter
Shifter: sure, on the left, can't you see it? :)

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added on the 2007-07-10 00:54:21 by keops keops
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added on the 2007-07-10 00:56:31 by src src


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