Which way does she spin?
category: general [glöplog]
how the hell can she rotate in any way CW? tits should be on back in that case :)
It could go both directions, but position suggests clockwise.
Taking into account Coriolis effect, what if she was spinning on the Equator?
how strange. i just saw this on 7chan.org too. either its widely viral, or Anonymous like pouet :)
i've tried to convince my eyes to see her spin ACW, but she always appears spinning CW to me. There's something in the visual clues (one tit occluding the other or whatever) that make it seem that way.
on the /b/tard subject, and of inability to force your perception, apparently every repost is a repost is a repost of a repost (17 billorites lol) ... i can see the similarity, little as i want to believe. anyone else?
i've tried to convince my eyes to see her spin ACW, but she always appears spinning CW to me. There's something in the visual clues (one tit occluding the other or whatever) that make it seem that way.
on the /b/tard subject, and of inability to force your perception, apparently every repost is a repost is a repost of a repost (17 billorites lol) ... i can see the similarity, little as i want to believe. anyone else?
In fact it's a very nice perceptual exploit. I've noticed that looking to the shadow helps in switching between the two different perceptions.
Seems that this illusion is already popular over the net.
Seems that this illusion is already popular over the net.
Broderick: (And other people who might not've understood my comment) It was a paraphrase of a comment on 7chan/b/
Hmm,. I just read about that image in another blog which explained what that's supposed to mean. For most of the time it was clockwise for me, yet if I concentrate on the shadow and think it's counterwise and then look up, I can see her ccw now except if I see her down foot which doesn't match the ccw.

glad you face the truth
@bonzaj: you just made my day posting teh video from Intel Outside'94 :)
What the helllllllllllllllllllllllllll???????
I see like 100 videos on youtube that are all making these retarded claims that the direction you see the girl spinning has something to do with brain hemisphere dominance.
And more...
I don't know what's worse, that people actually believe it, without questioning it at all, or that there needs to be 100 videos all spreading that false information as far as possible. There is even a newscaster in one of them repeating that claim (FOR NO REASON—IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY). I started leaving comments, but then I saw that there were so damn many videos that there's just no combatting it.
In any case this is not what I wanted to find when I went looking for naked dancers.
I see like 100 videos on youtube that are all making these retarded claims that the direction you see the girl spinning has something to do with brain hemisphere dominance.
And more...
I don't know what's worse, that people actually believe it, without questioning it at all, or that there needs to be 100 videos all spreading that false information as far as possible. There is even a newscaster in one of them repeating that claim (FOR NO REASON—IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STORY). I started leaving comments, but then I saw that there were so damn many videos that there's just no combatting it.
In any case this is not what I wanted to find when I went looking for naked dancers.
you need a hobby.
True. It took me a long to discover (actually read somewhere) that this has nothing to do with left/right brain dominance.
