London olympics logo: art or piece of crap?
category: general [glöplog]

What are you talking about? I've seen early 90s promos for kids' TV channels that have similar style and ideas but with a much more appealing result.
Thanks to the power of youtube you ought to come up with the prior art.
BULLSHIT about an A500
So go ahead and do it. On the A500. In an hour. :)
Anyway, fuckings to any epileptic who knowingly sits down in front of millions of little flashing lights and then, because that happened to be a bad idea, starts to advocate censorship of certain choices of colour and lighting schemes.
I'm sure that twitching and spasming on the floor is all part of your idea of a good time, but why not develop some empathy for people who cannot even sit through a ps demo? You sound like you'd blame blind people who get run over by a car for not paying attention to traffic.
Why not just develop TV's that can censor such images real time?
I think - if this was a real problem - that it would've already been done. I think this is just attention whores.
I think - if this was a real problem - that it would've already been done. I think this is just attention whores.
I liked this one back then:

That reminds me a game I used to play on PC :D
In 1995 a Finnish bank paid some Italian a couple of millions for designing this:

Money well spent, yeah. Moreover, a couple of years later, the bank was fused to another and the logo was abandoned.

Money well spent, yeah. Moreover, a couple of years later, the bank was fused to another and the logo was abandoned.
it...just...does...look like this

but in the facts it was rather the inverse, London and Tony Blair did *so much* to steal or get the OG :>
but in the facts it was rather the inverse, London and Tony Blair did *so much* to steal or get the OG :>
Thanks to the power of youtube you ought to come up with the prior art.
So go ahead and do it. On the A500. In an hour. :)
Give me a library of stock footage and the recording hardware, plus something to compensate me for the waste of time, and you're on.
I'm sure that twitching and spasming on the floor is all part of your idea of a good time, but why not develop some empathy for people who cannot even sit through a ps demo? You sound like you'd blame blind people who get run over by a car for not paying attention to traffic.
It's not empathy you want, it's solidarity. The two are mutually exclusive. And no, I wouldn't blame blind people for being run over, but I'd blame them for recklessly endangering the lives of others by being near traffic without any means of paying attention to it.
Besides, how hard can it be to come up with a solution for that problem with epileptics anyway? Off the top of my head - a set-top box that delays the signal for 10 seconds, checks it for too many flashes and colour changes, and if there's anything dangerous coming up, fades to black slowly. Win-win, see. And how much would it cost, you think?
hm, i've seen the promo aswell now, and yes, it looks way better there. but ststic it sucks hard, anyway.
as a logo it doesnt work. moving visuals its kick-ass. and doom, so what if you can make it with a500. try to came up something original and cool. and 90's are so recycle atm
We should have won. Period.

oxb: ya didn't win, so don't have sour grapes ;-)

What would happen to this old woman's sales then? Think of the poor lady!
Bump, anyone mentioned that Keops made the Guardian Newspaper yet?
Ugh got confused...ignore me....
auld: keops didn't make the goatse logo...
I didn't know what " goatse logo" was about... so looked it up on google.
you know in life, sometimes there are things your better off NOT knowing.. that was one of them...
thankfully, a small mercy. i wasn't eating at the time.
you know in life, sometimes there are things your better off NOT knowing.. that was one of them...
thankfully, a small mercy. i wasn't eating at the time.
If I took a crap on it, it'd look better.
The Ciao was the mascotte for the Italian 1990 World Cup.
It rules,in my opinion...i still have one that i buy back in the 1990.
It rules,in my opinion...i still have one that i buy back in the 1990.
I agree with Doom about the video being shit, and producable with an A500, some stock footage, a genlock, video editing hardware and a copy of Deluxe Paint.
I don't agree about the harsh words to epilepsy affected people; how were they to know about the giant flashing vomit towards the end of the promo? This is a promo video that is put out to be viewed by as many people as possible, with no indication that it could cause such fits.
Its not so much a case of the blind person going near traffic with no means to properly deal with it, its more like the traffic came crashing through their living room.
I don't agree about the harsh words to epilepsy affected people; how were they to know about the giant flashing vomit towards the end of the promo? This is a promo video that is put out to be viewed by as many people as possible, with no indication that it could cause such fits.
Its not so much a case of the blind person going near traffic with no means to properly deal with it, its more like the traffic came crashing through their living room.
I didn't know what " goatse logo" was about... so looked it up on google.
I still wonder how people can be on the internet and not no goatse. Impressive. :)
And I would really like a paris2012 shirt!
Yeah! They should ship those shirts over here so people can make their various olympic grievances known through simple and effective fashion statements.
i have my beijing 2008 *support political dictatorship* tshirt :>