Who is in your eyes the most insane person on pouet?
category: general [glöplog]
magic is maybe #3 or 4
You, EP, Seel, LCF and Magic. Top 5 done.
End of thread.
End of thread.
You didn't notice Steohawk is back?
seel for teh win!!!11 \o/
I just loved the seel / L.C.F chat on the oneliner the other day :)
But that "illegal telepathy" guy (what was he - solO2 or something) is a strong contender too!
I just loved the seel / L.C.F chat on the oneliner the other day :)
But that "illegal telepathy" guy (what was he - solO2 or something) is a strong contender too!
keops: c'mon, be a nice fella and put the jew on your list. you are the man of the list, you are oskar schindler.
This thread has been up for hours, and my name is still not on it. Luck or mistake?
Pink Hero
keops didn't start with HAI
nitro2k01: that's because you're an average geek teenager in need of attention, it doesn't mean you are insane.
i vote
solo2, steohawk, nitro2k01,adok
solo2, steohawk, nitro2k01,adok
IceAtoms: De-pouëtizing the thread, are we?
nitro2k01: that's because you're an average geek teenager in need of attention, it doesn't mean you are insane.
Wow, what a let down for nitro2k01! And nobody even noticed Liranana!
the obvious trolls aside i vote for:
* maali
* okkie
* ps
* shifter
* me
* maali
* okkie
* ps
* shifter
* me
did the people turn more shy lately, have times really changed? at a given point in time people would gladly stand up and raise their hand, shouting 'PICK ME SIR, I AM THE MOST INSANE PERSON YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN'
good to see uncle-x being true to that tradition though. =)
good to see uncle-x being true to that tradition though. =)
at a given point in time people would gladly stand up and raise their hand, shouting 'PICK ME SIR, I AM THE MOST INSANE PERSON YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN'
The problem with this is that the mental disorders which form the popular notion of "insanity" (which I suppose would be psychoses and schizophrenic type) involve by definition severely reduced insight. People with these conditions have essentially no way of knowing. That means that anybody who declares themselves to be insane is a bored attention-whore and is disqualified until such time as they put some effort into getting real symptoms. FAIL.
yak, ... users.pr0nstahr['name'] of course
I disagree with Uncle-X. I'm perfectly normal.
i disagree with uncle-x too, okkie is perfectly normal.
It all depends on what kind of "INSANE" you mean.
Is it the "Smearing feces on the walls" type of INSANE.
Or the "Go to Rap concert with KKK suit" type of INSANE.
Is it the "Smearing feces on the walls" type of INSANE.
Or the "Go to Rap concert with KKK suit" type of INSANE.
"Go to Rap concert with KKK suit"
Haha, that's a good mental image ;D
how about "registered to a demoscene board with trumpets" type of insane