What is in your eyes the best C-64 picture ever drawn?
category: general [glöplog]
last post (sorry, i should have done them all in one).. 2 galleries with better sized pics. by ste 86 and the sarge..
ste 86 gallery (c64.com)
the sarge gallery (c64.com)
ste 86 gallery (c64.com)
the sarge gallery (c64.com)
Tempest, when I wrote original artists I wasn't just thinking of "people who don't copy" but people who do stuff that isn't common in the C64 scene, be it pixeling wrinkly old women or gay men with rainbows in the background or pictures that are political comments like your pic from Assembly, you know which one I mean, the year you lost to a silly pirate pic and what I can only assume was a wired teddybear.
For some of those artists I had a hard time chosing only one picture. To pick a random example, Ptoing has tons of pics that I absolutely love, some more original than the one I ended up with but I have to say that is probably my favourite pic from him anyway, and a total contrast to the first pic in this thread. Ptoing's picture shows that it is possible to draw nude people without it having to be cold, sterile, porn.
Now, how could I forget Jailbird...He deserves a spot on my list too, because Smart Girls *do* Hate Booze:

For some of those artists I had a hard time chosing only one picture. To pick a random example, Ptoing has tons of pics that I absolutely love, some more original than the one I ended up with but I have to say that is probably my favourite pic from him anyway, and a total contrast to the first pic in this thread. Ptoing's picture shows that it is possible to draw nude people without it having to be cold, sterile, porn.
Now, how could I forget Jailbird...He deserves a spot on my list too, because Smart Girls *do* Hate Booze:

old64scener, I'm fairly sure T.M.R. would smack you in the head for bringing his name up here, he is very modest about his graphics. Most his pictures are converted from Amiga pictures and retouched, a fact he does not try to hide.
I wanted to show some of the more recent pictures, from people who are still releasing c64 stuff on a regular basis, that's why I didn't include Electric who is one of my absolute favourites ever. Yes, the pioneers deserve a lot of credit, however quite a few of the pictures I showed in my first post use the exact same graphics mode they used back in 1985 or whatever, just so you know, so it isn't all about fancy new tricks.
If I was to pick some of my favourite golden oldies, I'd probably go for...
Picture from the demo Blue Meanies by SIT

Self Portrait by Dokk

Sting by Bob

To me they all feel as fresh now as they did when they were released 20-22 years ago. Well maybe except Dokk's hair and clothes :)
I wanted to show some of the more recent pictures, from people who are still releasing c64 stuff on a regular basis, that's why I didn't include Electric who is one of my absolute favourites ever. Yes, the pioneers deserve a lot of credit, however quite a few of the pictures I showed in my first post use the exact same graphics mode they used back in 1985 or whatever, just so you know, so it isn't all about fancy new tricks.
If I was to pick some of my favourite golden oldies, I'd probably go for...
Picture from the demo Blue Meanies by SIT

Self Portrait by Dokk

Sting by Bob

To me they all feel as fresh now as they did when they were released 20-22 years ago. Well maybe except Dokk's hair and clothes :)
Bob (Stevenson) did better pics than that one IMO. He certainly was before his time.
Max Headroom by Bob

Torn Jean by Bob

Max Headroom by Bob

Torn Jean by Bob

mermaid: no, TMR wouldn't hit me, thats not his style. I've known him a very long time and he hasn't yet (he had cause to at one point).Your right in the sense, he's always been modest, he might dislike what I'm saying, but its far from negative that someone gives him some credit, the same with Toy, both humble people. besides it about personal opinion, surely?
your telling me certain pc tools haven't made it a bit better to create works? c'mon. I looked at the tools mirage and oswald have made, very nice they are and yes you still need skill to use them.
I've seen TMR pixel a picture from scratch in person back in the old days, no amiga etc,he used to use CDU paint for a time,no porting etc.
btw. did u ever see the other SIT pictures, the hawkeye one etc? maybe SIT himself has them, they were amazing.
your telling me certain pc tools haven't made it a bit better to create works? c'mon. I looked at the tools mirage and oswald have made, very nice they are and yes you still need skill to use them.
I've seen TMR pixel a picture from scratch in person back in the old days, no amiga etc,he used to use CDU paint for a time,no porting etc.
btw. did u ever see the other SIT pictures, the hawkeye one etc? maybe SIT himself has them, they were amazing.
old64scener: Several of the pictures mermaid selected were made and released before Oswald's and mirage's tools were available, though.
...and of course we need Electric to make the thread complete:
Yoshimi (2003, multicolor)

...and of course we need Electric to make the thread complete:
Yoshimi (2003, multicolor)


best fucking picture.. ever

best fucking picture.. ever
just so you know.. he is professional graphic designer and comic book artist nowadays
oldc64scener, I didn't say anything in any of my posts about pc tools and neither did you in your original post, what I replied to was this:
"obviously there were no enhanced gfx modes like fli / ifli etc than back in the day.."
So I pointed out that many of the pics I picked out don't use enhanced gfx modes at all. I wasn't really telling you anything about pc tools, I have no idea where you got that from. I will say this though, I refuse to accept that a pic is automagically better just because it was drawn with a joystick or a keyboard on a c64 instead of a mouse on a pc.
As for TMR he's a great guy and all but imho not really in the same league as the people I mentioned when it comes to originality and pixeling skills. The fact that you saw him pixel a pic once doesn't really change the fact that most his pics are converted from other people's pics.
radiantx, we'll just have to agree to disagree on which is Bob's best picture. I totally agree with you on your choice from Electric's pics though.
"obviously there were no enhanced gfx modes like fli / ifli etc than back in the day.."
So I pointed out that many of the pics I picked out don't use enhanced gfx modes at all. I wasn't really telling you anything about pc tools, I have no idea where you got that from. I will say this though, I refuse to accept that a pic is automagically better just because it was drawn with a joystick or a keyboard on a c64 instead of a mouse on a pc.
As for TMR he's a great guy and all but imho not really in the same league as the people I mentioned when it comes to originality and pixeling skills. The fact that you saw him pixel a pic once doesn't really change the fact that most his pics are converted from other people's pics.
radiantx, we'll just have to agree to disagree on which is Bob's best picture. I totally agree with you on your choice from Electric's pics though.
The Max Headroom picture RULES.
I love Max!
I love Max!
wow, quite some amazing piccies here.
one that got forgotten:

"die donnernde kataun" by cyclone
and of course all pictures of mermaid she posted recently on bitfellas! love that stuff!
one that got forgotten:

"die donnernde kataun" by cyclone
and of course all pictures of mermaid she posted recently on bitfellas! love that stuff!
radiantx:thanks for the information, I did relise they were made before hand, it was rather a question, more than a statement.
your taking things I say out of context/mis-quoting, please dont. You seem to have been quite defensive in return, or like I'm insulting you.
"I didn't say anything in any of my posts about pc tools " < nope you didn't, It was a question from me, hence the "?" on my comment.You pointed out you didn't mention it, that doesn't say I can't ask your opinion though.
I also asked you if you'd seen SIT's hawkeye pic, I don't think I was rude the way I asked (or was I?). A simple yes / no would have been nice, but don't worry now.
I feel, it's like you telling a coder, who is amazing/most known for that (many names come to mind) how to code a char 1x1 scroller using the cbm charset (and not even change the screen colour $d020/$d021).
I do know the basic difference between the standard and newer modes, so making comments about the modes I felt needed saying. Not everyone knows about older times, I'm the same with other machine platforms, I'm far from clued up.
yes, I have seen your earlier work in standard bitmap mode, before the pc tools were around. So maybe you thought I was implying something about the newer artists etc, when I wasn't.
As much as your talented,I only know one thing, our personalities do
clash ;-)
I did say, will repeat one thing, which sums up what I feel in a nutshell>
"it's about personal opinion".
your taking things I say out of context/mis-quoting, please dont. You seem to have been quite defensive in return, or like I'm insulting you.
"I didn't say anything in any of my posts about pc tools " < nope you didn't, It was a question from me, hence the "?" on my comment.You pointed out you didn't mention it, that doesn't say I can't ask your opinion though.
I also asked you if you'd seen SIT's hawkeye pic, I don't think I was rude the way I asked (or was I?). A simple yes / no would have been nice, but don't worry now.
I feel, it's like you telling a coder, who is amazing/most known for that (many names come to mind) how to code a char 1x1 scroller using the cbm charset (and not even change the screen colour $d020/$d021).
I do know the basic difference between the standard and newer modes, so making comments about the modes I felt needed saying. Not everyone knows about older times, I'm the same with other machine platforms, I'm far from clued up.
yes, I have seen your earlier work in standard bitmap mode, before the pc tools were around. So maybe you thought I was implying something about the newer artists etc, when I wasn't.
As much as your talented,I only know one thing, our personalities do
clash ;-)
I did say, will repeat one thing, which sums up what I feel in a nutshell>
"it's about personal opinion".
Nah, i'm crap i am. =-)

hollowman, thanx posting that one. I cant forget this instant classic piece but always failed to find it since I was lost in the oceanof wd releases without remembering the name.
this one is so shocking, color mixing and dithering never seen before and after, and the nonfigural motive... should hang on a wall in a gallery:

Oswald: never seen the before, who drew it please and is it on csdb? I like it and agree with what ya said. nice for the p1 prog also =)
wow. that piccy Oswald posted was cool!
c64scener, uh what? I just didn't see what your comment about pc tools had to do with anything, and the way you phrased it made it look like I had made a statement about those tools which I had not.
If I have seen that hawkeye picture I can't say I remember it, could you perhaps find it and post it here?
"I feel, it's like you telling a coder, who is amazing/most known for that (many names come to mind) how to code a char 1x1 scroller using the cbm charset (and not even change the screen colour $d020/$d021)."
I really don't understand what you are trying to say there, sorry. I'm telling who what now?
"I do know the basic difference between the standard and newer modes, so making comments about the modes I felt needed saying. Not everyone knows about older times, I'm the same with other machine platforms, I'm far from clued up."
Which is also a reason why I wanted to point out that many of the pictures I showed do infact use the standard graphics modes that were used back in the early 80's, and not just newer modes like FLI or AFLI or IFLI or whatever.
"yes, I have seen your earlier work in standard bitmap mode, before the pc tools were around."
Umm, how did the pics I have made come into the discussion exactly? I haven't posted a single pic of my own or written anything about them. As for earlier works, I still use standard modes actually and pretty much all the afli pics I have released were made before Timanthes was released too.
"it's about personal opinion".
...which would be why I write stuff like "my favourite", "imho", "a few pictures I really love" and not "best fucking picture ever". I don't expect everyone to agree with me. And I certainly wouldn't attempt to judge your personality as I don't know you at all, I think?
Oh, and the picture Oswald posted is Beds of Green by James Svärd of Wrath Designs.
If I have seen that hawkeye picture I can't say I remember it, could you perhaps find it and post it here?
"I feel, it's like you telling a coder, who is amazing/most known for that (many names come to mind) how to code a char 1x1 scroller using the cbm charset (and not even change the screen colour $d020/$d021)."
I really don't understand what you are trying to say there, sorry. I'm telling who what now?
"I do know the basic difference between the standard and newer modes, so making comments about the modes I felt needed saying. Not everyone knows about older times, I'm the same with other machine platforms, I'm far from clued up."
Which is also a reason why I wanted to point out that many of the pictures I showed do infact use the standard graphics modes that were used back in the early 80's, and not just newer modes like FLI or AFLI or IFLI or whatever.
"yes, I have seen your earlier work in standard bitmap mode, before the pc tools were around."
Umm, how did the pics I have made come into the discussion exactly? I haven't posted a single pic of my own or written anything about them. As for earlier works, I still use standard modes actually and pretty much all the afli pics I have released were made before Timanthes was released too.
"it's about personal opinion".
...which would be why I write stuff like "my favourite", "imho", "a few pictures I really love" and not "best fucking picture ever". I don't expect everyone to agree with me. And I certainly wouldn't attempt to judge your personality as I don't know you at all, I think?
Oh, and the picture Oswald posted is Beds of Green by James Svärd of Wrath Designs.
mermaid: nevermind,we put it down to misunderstandings perhaps. It was a general saying, about the personality clash thing,not judging you specifically in ANY way.Like if I work with someone on music, it either goes very well or sometimes not so straight forward.
I pretty much stopped being involved with c64 scene things in maybe 1996 I guess, when your first creators things were released (I think? , I just looked on csdb), although kept up by download demos etc.Kept in touch with some people who had become friends,due to the scene.
We have some mutual friends I guess, TMR being the most obvious one and ppl like BURG+CBA. I only came back to see if I could help regarding the acid jazzed evening thing. Since without the demo scene I'd not have gone on to make music, so seemed right thing to do, some how.
thanks for the name of that pic =)
I pretty much stopped being involved with c64 scene things in maybe 1996 I guess, when your first creators things were released (I think? , I just looked on csdb), although kept up by download demos etc.Kept in touch with some people who had become friends,due to the scene.
We have some mutual friends I guess, TMR being the most obvious one and ppl like BURG+CBA. I only came back to see if I could help regarding the acid jazzed evening thing. Since without the demo scene I'd not have gone on to make music, so seemed right thing to do, some how.
thanks for the name of that pic =)
To add some of my faves to this topic:
Yolk by Jailbird

??? by Mermaid

Regine by Sander

??? by Deekay

Happea by Electric

Freaks of Nature in F minor by Mirage

??? by Valsary:

Song of Fall by Leon:

Yolk by Jailbird

??? by Mermaid

Regine by Sander

??? by Deekay

Happea by Electric

Freaks of Nature in F minor by Mirage

??? by Valsary:

Song of Fall by Leon:

so many great pictures. Is it the same leon that was on amiga (the achlon bux demo) ?
krabob: no