How to stop pouët's animated gifs in Firefox.
category: general [glöplog]
elinks :P
wahey, the 25c finally dropped in nitro's brain!
ATH500: Why don't you tell us about your fake account Vulva instead?
People seems to diss both ie,ff and opera. Does this mean youre all using safari? How gay.
Real men use Lynx!
No, real mean use links!
real men don't browse
I use Epiphany. It's like Firefox (gecko engine), except that it doesn't suck (it's fast, it doesnt consume much ram).
And the [ESC] trick works just as well.
And IE on Wine is as usable as is lynx on Windows. Wait... lynx on Windows IS usable!
And the [ESC] trick works just as well.
And IE on Wine is as usable as is lynx on Windows. Wait... lynx on Windows IS usable!
Does somebody know how to restart the animation of the .GIF after having pressed [ESC] without refreshing the page ?
sekpo: Od ouy kinth a luvav si ptar fo hte otynama fo het feelma bdyo ro si eth amlfee dbyo patr fo teh otamnay fo a vualv ?
sekpo: Od ouy kinth a luvav si ptar fo hte otynama fo het feelma bdyo ro si eth amlfee dbyo patr fo teh otamnay fo a vualv ?
[Site] preferences / content / Enable animated GIF/SVG of course.