Leipzig Scene Meeting by Moods Plateau & KakiArts in May 07
category: general [glöplog]
Kakiarts and Moods Plateau will organize a scene bbq at 19th May at the Lene Voigt Park in Leipzig, eastern Germoney.
To attract you have a look here (photos from the last meetings): http://moodsplateau.net/moods-php/index.php?mds_action=lsm&mds_menu=m_xtras
To get in contact with the orgas write to gabi at kakiarts dot de (gabi/Kakiarts) or thomas_siegel at web dot de (d!RT!E/mdS)
ppl who will attend: gabi/kakiarts, baerb/kakiarts, subc/deranged, NK-TUX/mdS, d!RT!E/mds and some leipzig-aera-sceners more...

To attract you have a look here (photos from the last meetings): http://moodsplateau.net/moods-php/index.php?mds_action=lsm&mds_menu=m_xtras
To get in contact with the orgas write to gabi at kakiarts dot de (gabi/Kakiarts) or thomas_siegel at web dot de (d!RT!E/mdS)
ppl who will attend: gabi/kakiarts, baerb/kakiarts, subc/deranged, NK-TUX/mdS, d!RT!E/mds and some leipzig-aera-sceners more...

Been there last year in Summer and it was extremly nice and funny there!

Piggy was with us - Schwein gehabt! ;-)
Piggy was with us - Schwein gehabt! ;-)
leipzig will be so much more inviting one week later :D
why? If you're there you can surely meet Dirtie or Gabi anyway, just contact them!
big goth festival :) i aint going though, too busy at work/univ to afford the time.
in England, when you tak3 4 R0457, it means something relatively funny has happened to you from behind.
LOL!!! thats definitely not our intention :D i thought it would be funny instead of "have a rest" ;D Again one can see that one can always learn stuff while beeing active in the scene! thanks for the hint forestcre!
dirtie: I'll be there. It it the same location as last year?
ehehe...our master in English Dörte stroke again :D
I'll attend of course after missing last years joint.
While having some beer and Brätel I think we'll have the chance to
discuss about english sayings ;)
Please don't forget to supply a considerable amount of Club Mate :)
Man gewöhnt sich eben dran...
I'll attend of course after missing last years joint.
While having some beer and Brätel I think we'll have the chance to
discuss about english sayings ;)
Please don't forget to supply a considerable amount of Club Mate :)
Man gewöhnt sich eben dran...
respect. have a great time guys
Hehe, no problems :) Have a good BBQ!
und kollegä bringenss die original thueringer wuerschtel mit...
ansonsten ALDIwurst drama!
ansonsten ALDIwurst drama!
OH NOES. I most definitely will see to this !!11eleven!
So don't you saxons buy any sausages.
I'll bring thuringian R0457bratwurst
So don't you saxons buy any sausages.
I'll bring thuringian R0457bratwurst
horray for thueringer wuerschtel.. :)

just wanna remind you - one week to go...
looza told me if everything will go right with his tooth-op next friday he will join too.
so how many heads do we count?
xenusion (?)
jk^kat (?)
who else?
xenusion (?)
jk^kat (?)
who else?
too bad i will not be at home, again :(

mittag? nachmittag? abend? ich bin da! klingel durch... wenn telefonnummer weg schicke bitte private mail an thomas_siegel (at) web dot de
Tonight we dine in LEIPZIG!
it is ovaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar...? ;)
link pictures here?
fearing bodily harm i will refrain from posting certain pictures ... for the moment (highly educated coders almost failing assemling a grill...)

(sceners in infrared)

link pictures here?
fearing bodily harm i will refrain from posting certain pictures ... for the moment (highly educated coders almost failing assemling a grill...)

(sceners in infrared)