Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
linde: this is madness, send it to hell !
i think someones hacked the "last person to post to this thread wins"
dila: Why?
someone please make s WTF? with red arrows please
nitro2k01: because i keep losing.
Ahhh.. young love...
Ahhh.. underage gothbians..
It's ANOTHER WORLD not OUT OF THIS WORLD, unless you come from retard land of course.
Is that shit in his mouth? |:
no it's SNUS
if you forget about the man and big penis, the image tmb sent looks exactly the same as the cave in the Fulcrum demo, just missing the specular bump :)
poor scott kelly, lol pity there was only 30,000 or so at Big Day Out that year.
not exactly staring at the sun: