Intel Demo Competition 2007
category: general [glöplog]
As more and more people ask me about the Intel Demo Competition 2007 i will try to sum the answer in one post.
After last years Intel Demo Competition many of the rules have changed. Most of them to the better :)
The biggest change has been made to how the 5 groups that take part in the competition are selected. This yeas competition is not invite only. It is up to you to apply for beeing part of the competition. A jury of people from in- and outside of the demoscene will choose the competitors. The Applicants will only be judged by what they think is their best demo. The demo has to be uploaded to the Comeptition Website.
Deadline for application friday the 25th of april, 11:59pm CET.
The participants of the competition (selected by the jury) will be announced on the 1st of may.
This years competition will not habe any unusual limitations. I will be the regular straight forward demo competition and in it's rules comperable to any other democompetition on nowadays demoparties.
The only thing different will be that you will compete against the best demogroups out there.
Any more questions?
After last years Intel Demo Competition many of the rules have changed. Most of them to the better :)
The biggest change has been made to how the 5 groups that take part in the competition are selected. This yeas competition is not invite only. It is up to you to apply for beeing part of the competition. A jury of people from in- and outside of the demoscene will choose the competitors. The Applicants will only be judged by what they think is their best demo. The demo has to be uploaded to the Comeptition Website.
Deadline for application friday the 25th of april, 11:59pm CET.
The participants of the competition (selected by the jury) will be announced on the 1st of may.
This years competition will not habe any unusual limitations. I will be the regular straight forward demo competition and in it's rules comperable to any other democompetition on nowadays demoparties.
The only thing different will be that you will compete against the best demogroups out there.
Any more questions?
do we get to remix dj hell again?
i dont want to participate unless i can remix dj hell.
i dont want to participate unless i can remix dj hell.
No, sorry PS. No DJ Hell for you.
xxx: I'm a bit confused here. I have to admit I don't have much info on my hands, but I think I heard something like "you may submit an already released entry, IOW the best of your past works". If that's the case, this is an important information to add to your announcement to get more submitters.
Yes, scamp you are right. People are allowed to apply for beeing part of the competition with a demo that has already been released! The task for the groups is to choose the best demo that they have ever made to impress the jury.
Every of the 5 competing groups (4groups + last years winner Fairlight) will recieve an Intel Core 2 Quad PC that they can keep. No matter if they win the competition or not.
Every of the 5 competing groups (4groups + last years winner Fairlight) will recieve an Intel Core 2 Quad PC that they can keep. No matter if they win the competition or not.
As the deadline is tomorrow, may I suggest you get a news-entry posted HERE, on bitfellas and possibly the Breakpoint website? With a link to the rules /submission form etc. Send me the text and I'll get it onto the Breakpoint website news.
(I guess we better continue by mail or ICQ)
(I guess we better continue by mail or ICQ)
as i understood it, you have to enter the preselection with an already-released demo, then if you're preselected as one of the 5 competitors you have to make something new to compete with in the actual competition. or something. (as opposed to being able to enter the whole thing with an already-released demo.)
by the way, please do enter, because otherwise we'll win again by default and i'll have to embarass myself with more horrendous interviews. :)
Deadline for application friday the 25th of april, 11:59pm CET.
There is no such date in 2007. Next Friday or tomorrow?
smash: that's a pretty big difference. :)
xxx: can you clear this up for us? also the application deadline please.
xxx: can you clear this up for us? also the application deadline please.
Smash is right. and xxx's post is quite clear about it!
1) Turn in your best demo ever made.
2) Get preselected
3) Get a free PC
4) Make demo
5) Sell PC on eBay
6) Profit.
1) Turn in your best demo ever made.
2) Get preselected
3) Get a free PC
4) Make demo
5) Sell PC on eBay
6) Profit.
also: the website does not say WHEN the competition will be held (or atleast, i cannot seem to find anything about that). i think this piece of information will be very useful to know, since many people will have to plan ahead a little ("that week is solskogen, that week is assembly, that week is evoke... when do i have time to code this?")
and i'll have to embarass myself with more horrendous interviews

interwiews seem to be not exactly the problem :P
...better get back to work now...
chances are that your pc comes with the 'not for resale' tag =)
okkie: but the website says "Five brand new Core 2 Quad for the winning team!" -- does each of the five selected teams get a PC once entered into the competition, and upon completion, the winning team gets five more PCs? that sounds weird. :) also; are we talking about just a CPU or a complete PC? as you can see; it isn't very clear.. :)
dodge: hey, thats my usual interview pose.
gloom: last year it was 1 laptop for each group that entered and another 4 for the winning team. so yes, thats about it. i dont think theyve decided if it's a whole pc or a cpu+motherboard yet.
xxx: also; will you be at fmx this year? i'm looking forward to your follow-up to this:


Yep. Smash is right. That is how it works!
Prove that you are worthy to compete with some of your old work. If you are chosen you will enter a competition like any other competition. Rules will be pretty much like in every democompo. That means no previously released stuff.
And yep, sorry, the 25th is a thursday. So thursday it is!
Thursday, 25th of april 2007, 11:59pm CET
Prove that you are worthy to compete with some of your old work. If you are chosen you will enter a competition like any other competition. Rules will be pretty much like in every democompo. That means no previously released stuff.
And yep, sorry, the 25th is a thursday. So thursday it is!
Thursday, 25th of april 2007, 11:59pm CET
No, the 25th it's not a Thursday, but a Wednesday. Like... tomorrow.
You are in the urgent need of a calendar ;)
You are in the urgent need of a calendar ;)
And yep, sorry, the 25th is a thursday. So thursday it is!
Thursday, 25th of april 2007, 11:59pm CET
after a short look in our utmost reliable CRM I can confirm the Wednesday theory by Scamp.
So beware coz it's MITTWOCH!
So beware coz it's MITTWOCH!
good to have that cleared up (finally :), but the question of the deadline of the actual delivery of the demo(s) remain. how long will one have to finish the prod?
gloom: nope, can't make it to FMX this year. I will be bound by work- and family-duty.
The deadline to hand in the final demo will be like 2 or 2 1/2 month before this years Evoke.
The deadline to hand in the final demo will be like 2 or 2 1/2 month before this years Evoke.
Wednesday, 25th of april 2007, 11:59pm CET
Wednesday, 25th of april 2007, 11:59pm CET