French presidency competition 2007
category: residue [glöplog]
I'd go for tits instead.I voted farbrausch!!
That's unfortunate, but one have to be realistic and pragmatic.
I wouldn't say that voters have to chose the lesser of 12 evil, but for many that's the idea.
If you really don't want to see some of the leading candidates in power, casting your vote for alternative candidates will do nothing but lessen the chances of slightly less shitty leading candidate(s) to counter the shittier ones.
I wouldn't say that voters have to chose the lesser of 12 evil, but for many that's the idea.
If you really don't want to see some of the leading candidates in power, casting your vote for alternative candidates will do nothing but lessen the chances of slightly less shitty leading candidate(s) to counter the shittier ones.
poi: But it was an easy second round for Chirac in 2002!!!!!1
knos: True, but the problem with that is that the winner might think he actually has the support of the people even though some people voted him/her because they think the rest is even worse.
I think the Partymeister voting system would be nice in politics too. Instead of voting for only one candidate you should have 3 options for every candidate: 1) I support this candidate, 2) I'm neither for or against this candidate and 3) I am against this candidate. People could then vote for their personal favorite and still vote Le Pen away.
I think the Partymeister voting system would be nice in politics too. Instead of voting for only one candidate you should have 3 options for every candidate: 1) I support this candidate, 2) I'm neither for or against this candidate and 3) I am against this candidate. People could then vote for their personal favorite and still vote Le Pen away.
sparcus: I just read that some voting machines allow people to "rate" the candidates between 0 and 2. But I'm not sure if this is addition of a regular vote, for statistics and study purpose.
p01: While personally I do agree with you, not using your right to vote is your own choice.
sparcus: Agreed, but e.g. in Italy it may be even worse - your vote will be casted to the winner. While you want to mean that you like "None of the Above", you will be forced into voting for someone.
(Italians do not vote for the President and neither for the 1st Minister directly).
sparcus: Agreed, but e.g. in Italy it may be even worse - your vote will be casted to the winner. While you want to mean that you like "None of the Above", you will be forced into voting for someone.
(Italians do not vote for the President and neither for the 1st Minister directly).
LE PEN(is)
Arlette \o/ :D
Command & Conquer: Red Arlette 2
Silkut :)))
1st estimations :
1. Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) 26-27,5 %
2. Ségolène Royal (PS) 26%
3. Français Bayrou (UDF) 19 %
4. Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) 11-12 %
1. Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) 26-27,5 %
2. Ségolène Royal (PS) 26%
3. Français Bayrou (UDF) 19 %
4. Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) 11-12 %
fuck the 'useful' vote!
many people have prolly voted for sego reluctantly :/
many people have prolly voted for sego reluctantly :/
no surprises then :)

reportage sur france24. ya des liens uk et arabe aussi.
reportage sur france24. ya des liens uk et arabe aussi.
In the end of the day 85% of participation ?!
another estimation batch :
1. Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) 30,3 %
2. Ségolène Royal (PS) 25,8 %
3. Français Bayrou (UDF) 17,7 %
4. Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) 10,7 %
swiss numbers are not really trustworthy :>
1. Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) 30,3 %
2. Ségolène Royal (PS) 25,8 %
3. Français Bayrou (UDF) 17,7 %
4. Jean-Marie Le Pen (FN) 10,7 %
swiss numbers are not really trustworthy :>
Jean-Marie Le Pen gets 10,7 % ? It really shows that France is heading to be a racist state.
Zplex: he had 15% 5 years ago, that's not what I call "progress" for him...
keops: Geez.....thats massive figure for a racist in a western country anyway.
Zplex: Lepen used to have almost 20% because of the protesting vote.
those 10% are the irreductible ones, those numbers are rather good news on this aspect :)
those 10% are the irreductible ones, those numbers are rather good news on this aspect :)
at least French parties in power have never officially made alliance with the racist party, contrary to Italia or Austria... but sarko has clearly sent wink-wink messages to former lepen voters :/
Je pensais vraiment que Bayrou allait faire un meilleur score.
Il avait pas mal la côté auprès des jeunes :d.
Il avait pas mal la côté auprès des jeunes :d.
Zest: merci pour le flux vidéo.
damned Swiss who does'nt follow the law ! Fortunately Sarkozy will declare them war :)