Best random internet computer windows theme
category: general [glöplog]
What I use:
<a href=''><img src='' alt='58558' /></a>
<a href=''><img src='' alt='58558' /></a>
There is no such things as a best windows theme. They're all equally as bad as each other. :]
In the extent I use Windows I tend to use the classic theme and a black, empty desktop.
xbit: what's with that faggotry theme? Did you steal Okkie's custom theme or what? :)
can this thread be remaned to "Best random internet computer theme" so I could post linux picutres kthx
if there are no linux pictures it's actually not a real oldskool pouë bbs thread (tm)
ok then, as posted on another thread, showing my two computers
fuck, fail

LiraNuna: you srlsy think that looks good?
the_Ye-Ti: you _seriously_ write "srlsy"? how old are you? twelve? what's your myspace-name, wanna be, like, oh-ma-gaaaawd, friends!!!!11???!?1111
yeah, everyone knows it's spelled srsly, not srlsy :-)