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Blockparty 2007

category: general [glöplog]
Bomb Finland? That would make Boozembly difficult...
added on the 2007-03-22 18:45:06 by El Topo El Topo
besides, it's norway which has oil :)
added on the 2007-03-22 20:29:24 by _-_-__ _-_-__
didnt they blow up the boozembly hills anyway? the workers could always use a hand.
added on the 2007-03-22 20:37:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
hey, i was fine with unseen's comment.. but then i'm a regular viewer of the colbert report.
added on the 2007-03-22 23:50:48 by phoenix phoenix
yeah it looks like a really freaking cool and very attractively organised party. Kind of hoping our syntax party takes similar vain.
added on the 2007-03-22 23:56:47 by Gaia Gaia
<JOKE>omfg it seems to be meeting of liberal, hippies and hackers (those nasty people who steal our information also known as terrorists). liberals are people who lie about climate warming, hippies, they just smoke pot, hackers.. well kevin mitnick, hippie, liberal and commie!</JOKE>
added on the 2007-03-23 08:53:50 by uns3en_ uns3en_
Just wanted to let everyone know that Blockparty is in less than two weeks! We added a bunch of prizes, a kick-ass competition machine, and our speakers list is completely finalized, with lots of cool speakers (not to mention the included admission to the Notacon convention as well).
added on the 2007-04-18 05:03:22 by jscott jscott
go blockparty go \o/
added on the 2007-04-18 11:40:47 by psenough psenough
fuckings... i'm in the US and A when the party is... but in San Fransisco :(
how typicall :D
added on the 2007-04-18 12:18:08 by bzz bzz
So what's a demoparty like in the US?
added on the 2007-04-18 12:38:33 by doomdoom doomdoom
doom: Short, closes at night, and no prods.. or something to that effect :)
added on the 2007-04-18 12:49:14 by gloom gloom
Like BB Image ? ;)
added on the 2007-04-18 13:03:27 by doomdoom doomdoom
Looking forward to partyreports and pixxures. Ok?
added on the 2007-04-18 14:48:35 by doomdoom doomdoom
dont worry, no legalize involved this time.
added on the 2007-04-18 15:57:46 by Gargaj Gargaj
jscott: I supposed remote entries are not allowed? None from the crew can make it to Cleveland :)
added on the 2007-04-18 16:25:38 by keops keops
Goes from Friday (Thursday night, really) to Sunday afternoon, 24 hours, small number of prods compared to well-established parties, minimal ass-rapings (we promise!).
added on the 2007-04-18 17:35:46 by jscott jscott
keops: No remote entries, we wanted to encourage in-person interaction.
added on the 2007-04-18 17:36:59 by jscott jscott
Ok. We will release our stuff at the same time, too bad :)
added on the 2007-04-18 17:39:35 by keops keops
No worries. Good luck on the new stuff!
added on the 2007-04-18 17:54:09 by jscott jscott
I just moved from LA to Columbus, and my Desktop didn't survive the trip (I think the hard drives are fine). So basically, I'm stuck here twidling my thumbs while the party creeps up.
Anyways, can I use the compo PC for a quicktro, before the competition? :)
If anyone else would be willing to lend a decent rig for a night, that would be pretty sweet too.
added on the 2007-04-19 04:43:20 by Nezbie Nezbie
jscott: I'll see with the others, we could release it at your party, out of any compo.
added on the 2007-04-19 17:23:37 by keops keops
Is that kb in the picture?
added on the 2007-04-19 17:29:44 by xernobyl xernobyl
jscott: you're denying an entry from keops?! aw, c'mon! oh well, that would be horribly unfair to the other competitors anyway. :)

also, how much non-pouet promotion have you done? hit the old irc channels like #trax and #coders? do you expect more notacon visitors this year than last? from the blockparty community page, i'm worried about a low scener turnout. i swear, european sceners are more aware and excited about blockparty than americans are. :/

nezbie: damn.. i hope they give you a deadline extension. :)

as for the fun factor, well, this is a "con" event, but, it should fit somewhere between pilgrimage and breakpoint.

i should probably get working on my presentation at some point in the near future...
added on the 2007-04-19 21:25:45 by phoenix phoenix

but, it should fit somewhere between pilgrimage and breakpoint.

What you currently do for a living, are you by any chance a manager? ;-)
added on the 2007-04-19 21:52:55 by sparcus sparcus
added on the 2007-04-19 21:53:31 by sparcus sparcus


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