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The flaws of pouët.net

category: general [glöplog]
Now that I've been reading the oldskool pouët.net bbs for quite some time I think I'm able to formulate a law of the behaviour in this particular institution.

1. For each parasite/joke/anti-thread that is created, there is one or less original thread(s) created shortly before that.

Know any more pouët.net-flaws? Help me complete the list...
Haha, thanks man! :D
added on the 2007-04-14 23:04:44 by El Topo El Topo
2. anes
added on the 2007-04-14 23:31:00 by havoc havoc
3. thetic
added on the 2007-04-14 23:40:55 by bdk bdk
its not like it seems.
4. sceners
added on the 2007-04-15 06:33:19 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
moderator, please lock this topic!
added on the 2007-04-15 10:15:07 by shadez shadez
i has a topic.

no they be locking my topic!
5. threats
added on the 2007-04-15 12:22:41 by forestcre forestcre
6. images
added on the 2007-04-15 13:53:30 by El Topo El Topo
7. bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner
added on the 2007-04-15 16:51:30 by Sverker Sverker
9. i has counting
added on the 2007-04-15 18:43:58 by forestcre forestcre


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