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Breakpoint 2007

category: general [glöplog]
oh btw. anyone else got stomach sickness now after the party? i know some people had some problems during it.
just got sick today...
added on the 2007-04-14 01:37:50 by nosfe nosfe
I'm a little sick too. Might be from boozing last night. Might be the plague. You never know.
added on the 2007-04-14 10:08:55 by doomdoom doomdoom
nosfe: your stomach HAS to be fucked up a couple of days after Breakpoint - if not, you didn't party enough ;)
added on the 2007-04-14 10:37:05 by Puryx Puryx
yeah yeah, but this im having now is sickness, not the normal afterparty thing.
added on the 2007-04-14 11:01:56 by nosfe nosfe
One of the Darklite guys got really sick at the party. Maybe you caught the same thing has him. If so I guess you are "lucky" that it happened after you got home, and not at the party.
added on the 2007-04-14 11:29:34 by tFt tFt
tft, yeah well after last year it would've been too much to be sick during the party this year too. :)
added on the 2007-04-14 12:20:19 by nosfe nosfe
i've been having some problems. i already got sick at the party (fever) and now after the party i can't for example drink coffee coz it hurts.
added on the 2007-04-14 14:27:13 by dodke dodke
There might be a little chance, this has been already said, but:
This was a fucking great party!
Improved food and especially a great compo handling got me this year.
Seems, the days of 2-hours delayed 3 hours demo compos are finally over.
Great work guys, really appreciate it.
i spent wednesday and most of thursday lying down in a fever. no stomach problems here though.
added on the 2007-04-14 18:10:10 by reed reed
i think you had some stomach problems already at the party ;)
added on the 2007-04-14 19:16:35 by nosfe nosfe
added on the 2007-04-14 19:25:44 by reed reed
Yeh erm i've had a cold before the party and one afterwards too, went away then came back recently. No stomach pains though just the usual currywurst abuse signs.
added on the 2007-04-14 19:32:56 by dv$ dv$
nosfe, not exactly stomach problems of the usual kind, but i actually felt pain whenever i got hungry for 3 days after the party, so that was kind of new. =)
added on the 2007-04-14 19:33:09 by dalezr dalezr
We'll really add a salat and fruits bar next year. The percentage of people getting sick during Breakpoint really is too high... ;)
added on the 2007-04-14 19:39:23 by scamp scamp
yay! salad bar! \<3/
added on the 2007-04-14 19:39:54 by dalezr dalezr
scamp, we're getting so old now that we need special care!
added on the 2007-04-14 22:58:56 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: word! :)
added on the 2007-04-14 23:01:09 by Puryx Puryx
scamp: Will you tell the currywurst people to please put curry on the wurst next year, otherwise it's not really currywurst.
added on the 2007-04-14 23:51:46 by doomdoom doomdoom
and make the egg/bacon women put a amount of salt in the eggs that is not lethal to humans ..

and dont get a 2 hour delay on prizegiving, it makes us come home 2 hours later .. with fucked up all my week cause of 12 hours work tuesday (were arrived home at 2 am tuesday) .. i am still not totally recovered .. and i blame prizegiving delay 100%
added on the 2007-04-15 00:08:53 by dwarf dwarf
nosfe: i was quite stomach sick monday morning/afternoon.. i believe it was either the pizza i had for breakfast (which was prolly from previous day or something) or the alcohol withdrawal.. but then it just went away within a few airport idling hours..
added on the 2007-04-15 02:21:52 by psenough psenough
doom: please die!! currywurst was actually eadible this year, dont ruin things!!
added on the 2007-04-15 02:26:55 by psenough psenough
Just want to tell you that it was an awesome party and one of the best demoscene events I have yet attended!

About the food stands: If there is anything possible, please change the Kebab people. Germany is famous for the great döner you can buy in our country, but it must not be sold by such sleazy and unhygenic looking Germans. I want fresh vegetables in my kebab instead of only cabbage. Must be easy to find a replacement here.
added on the 2007-04-15 03:33:53 by novel novel
Wow, I've felt absolutely fine all week and all I ate was pizza and garlic bread. That crosses those foodstuffs, at least, off the list of potential plague-carriers. Maybe reed caught something off the toilet floor and passed it to Nosfe, then to everyone else...

By the way, if any slengpung mod happens to read this, please could you let me know if my emails are getting through? I sent an archive that was too big, then a proper-sized archive (under 2mb) with tags and there's no sign of them yet... I'm not being impatient, I'm just starting to get paranoid about my mailserver going sour; messages not being received properly, etc. Cheers.

(btw - if photos of ugly, drunken uksceners are somehow prohibited by German decency laws, I understand entirely:)
added on the 2007-04-15 06:54:38 by syphus syphus


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